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24795 Consentino (reply) re: 24793: Severe: Oloffson Hotel: WIILLIAMS GETS IT WRONG AGAIN

Donald Cosentino <cosentin@humnet.ucla.edu>

I'm just back from my annual guerilla run to Haiti, and would like to contradict Ms. Williams supercilious report on the decline of the Olaffson. Although the hotel was in its usual state of benign decrepitude, Richard Morse had started to play with a cool blues combo most week nights, the pasta with tuna was excellent, and the rum sours were not to be missed. And of course the hotel balcony, so close to the Ti Palais and Solomon Market, remains the best listening post in Haiti. Williams might try hanging around there more; it could nuance her Petionville perspectives a little. Get down, girl!

Don Cosentino