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25018: (response) Chamberlain: Re: 24967: Saint-Vil on Neptune (fwd)

Greg Chamberlain <GregChamberlain@compuserve.com>

> Yet another effort by Mr. Chamberlain to revise recent history!
> Chamberlain, the revisionist

If that means not blindly worshipping heroes and ideologies, and asking a
few "inconvenient" questions, thanks for the compliment.

When are some people on this list going to twig to how they defeat their
own efforts by signing on to infallibility -- in this case, of Aristide and
Lavalas ?  Successful propaganda is about seeing that it doesn't provoke
the reaction contained in the last sentence.

Why the silence about Aristide's absurd claims of a "US-French black
holocaust" in Haiti and of "10,000" of his people dead?  Embarassment
perhaps?  Surely he has more public relations skills than that.  Perhaps
not.  Same goes for the lie about being "kidnapped" (immediately parroted
by the rent-a-revo people).

I repeat, the detention of Neptune without charge or trial is deplorable
and inexcusable, but let's note the odd silence by his current "champions"
about his detention early on when he was deemed to have "betrayed" the
cause by formally handing over to Latortue.  Neptune himself seems to've
been bitter about this hostility to him by his "friends."  Then his
detention became a convenient part of the excuse for not taking part in
dialogue and elections. Now he's starving himself to death, his foreign
"friends" are even more interested in him, because it suits their
ideological laboratory experiments in Haiti.  They still don't really care
what happens to him, but hold tight for the cynical wholesale exploitation
by them that we'll see if he does die.  As ever, rather him than them!

> the presidency of duly elected René Garcia Préval (certainly more
democratically so elected than Georges Bush the Lesser)

Hardly.  Preval got 88 % of the vote against 13 mostly-unknown token
candidates on a turnout of only 25 %.

> Chamberlain's is a pitiful attempt to compare the constitutional,
and truly Haitian-led presidency of  Préval, with the current puppet Uncle
Tom Regime of Foley-Apaid-Latortue elatriye which now holds office in

I think you will find there were more white all-American foreigners
directly involved in "assisting" the Preval presidency, working in his
administration or close to it, than Latortue has in his.

> Chamberlain speaks of "Aristide's persistent blocking of the
into that murder" - yet he offers no explaination as to why, in 2005, with
Aristide safely disposed of since well over one year, Neptune almost
eliminated in jail, and Danny Toussaint no longer benefitting of diplomatic
immunity....somehow, the investigation is STILL BLOCKED!  Why are they no
longer interrested in Danny Toussaint's arrest?

Perhaps because Toussaint has switched sides and now opposes Aristide.  He
seems to've had some hold over the Aristide government ("inconvenient"
knowledge of corruption, abuses etc. would be the normal reason).  The
times I spoke with Toussaint, I got the impression that he'd been used to
help, or even organise, the killing but had then, in time-honoured
tradition, been dumped by his handlers (Lavalas barons or others).

But this doesn't explain why Aristide failed to arrest Brignol Lindor's
killers, who were Aristide supporters and openly admitted what they did.

> Chamberlain, should perhaps ask his contacts at the U.S. embassy

Sorry, never had any (or even sought any) in 35 years of involvement in
Haiti.  But back to worshipping at the Church of The Perpetual

> Dominique ... was denouncing ... the efforts of the U.S. to steal
the election away from his friend and political ally Jean-Bertrand

This is paranoia.  The US wasn't interested enough to do that.  And in
favour of who?  There were absolutely no other serious candidates in view.
Dominique was also denouncing Aristide's growing authoritarian and
anti-democratic tendencies and his alliances with old Duvalierists (he
named several as government ministers) and with bigtime drug traffickers,
as well as denouncing the noxious power and corruption of (then) Lavalas
bigshots such as Dany Toussaint.

> Thanks to Haiti-Progrès' brilliant journalistic work

Ah, the Bible...  What can one say?  Ideological purity and correct-lining
is always deeply attractive to all us human-beings.  Pity Haiti-Progrès
don't put their undoubted investigative skills to more even-handed use.  As
it is, they reflect the intolerance that's the curse of Haitian political
culture and that has long left the rest of the (mostly peaceful and
prosperous) Caribbean region in quiet despair at the appalling mess this

And Aristide's defenders, mostly white American foreigners, are often
little better than the US neo-con lunatics ("illuminés") in their contempt
for what the neo-cons quaintly call "reality-based" people and concepts.

> Let the voice of Jean Dominique forever speak:

> “Mr. Leopold Berlanger, the Coordinator of the Conseil National
d'Observateurs (CNO), is part of a coalition, working through Vision 2000,
which is engaged in THE DESTRUCTION OF LAVALAS.”

Berlanger is such an easy scapegoat, the kind one would expect to be put up
to maintain the infallibity and power of people close to the regime who
may've killed JeanDo.  I don't believe it.

        Greg Chamberlain