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26015: Simidor Says: Simeus is a Predator! (fwd)

From: daniel simidor <danielsimidor@yahoo.com>

Here?s a guy who three weeks ago publicly called for
an immediate Marines intervention as Haiti?s only
salvation.  Now he?s trying to bully his way to the
National Palace by buying off large chunks from the
Lavalas crumbling structure (AHP dixit).  Where is
this guy coming from?  WHO SENT HIM?

Sadly, our ?Rele Bondye? mentality makes us too
vulnerable to this type of Trojan Horse.  In theory,
everybody knows that Haiti?s salvation is only at the
cost of the entire nation pulling up its collective
sleeve and sweating it out, roch-nan-soley-like,
together.  But let some Savior type show up with a few
dollars to spare, and the right kind of words on his
tongue -- ?I will save you! You don?t have to do
anything!? ? and we?re instantly on our knees,
shouting ?Vive! Vive!?

Send Simeus back to Texas!

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