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26028: Sajous: (reply) Re: 26020: Allen: (comment) The Simeus Candidacy (Opinion) (fwd)

From: Sajousp@aol.com

I couldn't agree more with Mr.Allen. At the time that the Constitution was
being written I thought it was a mistake for Haiti to include such an
unfortunately it was included, voted and acceptedf by the haitians.Mr.Simeus
should work toward eventually having the Constitution amended . At this time
he  should withdraw his candidacy or the CEP should reject it.There is no
ambiguity in the Constitution as to the inability of a haitian american to be
President of Haiti.I was perplexed by his statement that he never renounced
haitan citizenship,while the very oath taken to be an american citizen asks
you  to do just that.

However,as I understand it, André Apaid's case is a different one, he  was
born in the States of  haitian parents.If his parents had his birth
registered in Haiti by the officier d' Etat Civil as per an  ordonnance
issued by the Doyen du Tribunal Civil, he is a haitian.To my  knowledge the
Constitution of Haiti doesn't require a haitian to be born in  Haiti to be

Pierre-Andre Sajous