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26080: Vedrine: (reply) RE: 26076: Walton (reply) RE: 26049: Vedrine : A call for action to save H aiti (fwd)

From: E Vedrine <evedrine@hotmail.com>

[Note from Corbett:  I knew when I posted the note from Bob Walton
that this post would send discussion into the choppy waters of theology.
Here Emmanuel Vedrine posts one of the key replies.  I'm going to
leave it at that and not pursue this thread.  It won't do much to move
either side....    Bob]

but prayer rarely succeeds without such sacrifice. Bob Walton

Most Haitians who are praying think that their prayers will go up to Heaven and God will come to Haiti (in person) to change things around. "Bondye Bon" (God is good - in the sense: just pray to him, don't do any action. ). In that case, they don't have do to any sacrifice. In the command "God bless America", most Americans work 8 hours a day and had worked so hard (no matter what they did) to make USA what it is today.