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26297: Vedrine (reply) RE: 26296: Mercure: (ask) Studies of Kreyol Grammar (fwd)

From: E Vedrine <evedrine@hotmail.com>

Before I began this, I looked into what was out there. I did not get >the impression that there >were any grammars of HC that combined >accuracy, readability, and completeness.

BEST ADVISE TO YOU: take some time off and go to Indiana University (Creole Institute) and also Indiana University Library. You will all the materials that I cite below.

If you have my latest book
“AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON HAITIAN CREOLE: A review of publications from colonial times to 2000 (Bibliographie annotée sur le créole haitien: révisions des publications de l'époque coloniale à 2000)* http://www.palli.ch/~kapeskreyol/bibliographie/haiti.html (pp. 266)

It has “72 entries” dealing with research related to Haitian Creole grammar.

Soeme books related to Haitian Creole Grammar:

* DICTIONARY OF HAITIAN CREOLE VERBS WITH PHRASES AND IDIOMS.E. W. VEDRINE. Soup to Nuts. Cambridge, MA. 1992. 246 p. [reprinted by EDUCA VISION] http://www.palli.ch/~kapeskreyol/bibliographie/vedrine.html#10

* GRAMÈ KREYÒL VÉDRINE (Védrine's grammar of Haitian Creole). E. W. VEDRINE. VEDCREP. Boston, MA. 1996. 354 p. (http://www.palli.ch/~kapeskreyol/bibliographie/vedrine/grame.html)

*KREYÒL LESSON FOR BEGINNERS: An introduction to Haitian Creole. (pdf, 64 KB). E. W. VEDRINE.

* ADVANCED GRAMMAR OF HAITIAN CREOLE. Jean TARGETE. Port-au-Prince, Editions Fardin,1972.

*ANN PALE KREYÒL. A. VALDMAN. Indiana University (Creole Institute).

Depending how deep you want to get in your linguistic research, you can also take a look at some dissertations that are related to the theme, e.g (just to name a few (http://www.palli.ch/~kapeskreyol/bibliographie/vedrine/bibliography.html):

ALLEN, Jeffrey. "Analyses Phonologiques Et Graphémiques Du Créole Haïtien Par Le Biais De La Linguistique Computationnelle". Groupe d'Études et de Recherches en Espace Créolophone, Université des Antilles-Guyane, Martinique. ('Thèse de doctorat'). Second level doctoral Thesis (in preparation) on Haitian Creole.

(aut?). "Analyse différentielle et sociolinguistique du créole et du français en Haïti". 1973. Canada: Ottawa. [Thèse de maîtrise [KRE]

BAPTISTA, Marlyse. 1997. "The morpho-syntax of nominal and verbal categories in Capeverdean Creole". Harvard University. Degree: Ph.D.]

BELLEGARDE, Auguste. 1957. "Survivances du français en Haïti". 91 p. [M.A thesis] BENTOLILA, Alain. 1971-72. "Les Systèmes Verbaux Créoles: Comparaison Avec Les Langues Africaines". Université de Paris. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 192 + annex 1-IX.] CADELY, Jean Robert. 1994. "Aspect de la phonologie du créole haïtien". UQAM. Degree: Ph.D. [Linguistics, Creole; Linguistics, Haitian; Linguistics, Theoretical. Also in book format (ISBN: 2763817904). CATSBURG, Marcel. 1988. "L'enrichissement lexical par la création morphologique en créole haïtien". [Memoire de fin d'études, sous la direction de: professeur W. Zwanenburg Zeist, le 16 nov. 1988. 95 p. COMHAIRE-SYLVAIN, Suzanne. 1936. "Le créole haïtien: morphologie et syntaxe". Suisse; Genève: Slatkine Reprints. 1974. [See note also in section on "Grammars". COULANGES, Jean. 1967. "L'espressivité en créole". State University of Haiti, Faculty of Ethnology. [A.B.A Thesis. - Mémoire de sortie présenté à la Faculté d'Ethnologie de Port-au-Prince. 1967. 'Études des moyens divers par lesquels le créole traduit l'intensité ou du sentiment et qui le rendent particuliement apte à l'expression littéraire'. - (Pompilus) [KRE] D'ANS, André-Marcel. 1968. "Le Créole Français D'Haïti: Étude Des Unités D'Articulation, D'Expansion Et De Communication". [Ref. Janua Linguaraum Series Practica 106. The Hague: Mouton. Published version of his PhD thesis. Also published by Mouton, La Haye. 1968. 181 p. The author's work is reviewed by Yves Dejean ( French Review , pp. 587-588. Vol. XLIV, Feb. 1971); Albert Valdman (1968), IJAL 37:202-208); Mervyn Alleyne. 1968. CS 11 (4):109-112; (1968); Morris Goodman (1968), Lingua 25:446-450; Robert A. Hall, Jr. (1968), AA 72:685-686 [KRE] DEGRAFF, Michel. 1992. "Creole grammars and the acquisition of syntax: the case of Haitian". University of Pennsylvania. Ph.D. Pages: 243.] ETIENNE, Gerard. 1974. "Le Créole Du Nord D'Haïti: Études Des Niveaux De Structures". ['Thèse de doctorat présentée à l'Université de Strasbourg, France'. ''3e cycle' / STR02. [KRE] FATTIER, Dominique. "Contribution à l'étude de la genèse d'un créole: L'Atlas Linguistique D'Haïti cartes Et commentaires". Université de Provence, Institut D'Étude Créoles. Thèse de doctorat d'état. FÉRÈRE, Gérard Alphonse. 1974. "Haitian Creole: Sound-System, Form-Classes, Texts". University of Pennsylvania. Degree: Ph.D. 286 p. FILIPOVICH, S. 1986. "La Morphologie De L'haïtien". UQUAM. [Master's Thesis. -Linguistics, Creole; Linguistics, Haitian; Linguistics, Theoretical] FOURNIER, Robert. 1978. "La Grammaire De La Particule La' En Créole Haïtien". UQAM. Degree: MA.] GOLDSMITH, Ronald A. 1965. "Verb particles in Haitian Creole". Indiana University. [Master's degree thesis. 69 p.] JEAN-BAPTISTE, Rozevel. "Bibliographie Critique Des Parties Du Discours En Creole Haitien - Projet de thèse: ' Des opérations de predication et détermination: Une étude syntactico-semantique des zones de prediction et de détermination en créole haïtien'". ["Mémoire présenté pour le Diplôme d'Études Approfondies (D.E.A) de linguistique générale et appliqué] JOSEPH, Frantz F. 1989. "La Détermination Nominale En Créole Haïtien". Université Paris VII. Degree: Ph.D. [Linguistics, Creole; Linguistics, Haitian; Linguistics, Theoretical. - '3e cycle' / PA07 [KRE] JULES, Graphy Félix. 1986. "Étude du système central des modalités nominales du créole haïtien". P-au-P: Université d'État d'Haïti, Centre de Linguistique Appliquée. 80 p. [Mémoire de licence. -- Créole (description); Enquêtes linguistiques; Grammaire; Lexicologie; Lexique; Linguistique descriptive; Modalités; Morphologie; Nom; Syntaxe] LANGE, M. "Analyse différentielle et sociolinguistique du créole et du français en Haïti". Canada, Ottawa: Université d'Ottawa. [Thèse de maîtrise. - Créole (description, statut); Français (statut); Sociolinguistique [KRE] MICHEL, Jean. 1967. Études sur le créole d'Haïti . Université de Grenoble. [Thèse de 3e cycle. [KRE] MICHEL, Jean-Berth. 1978. "Phonétique, Phonologie Et Morphosyntaxe D'un Créole Haïtien". ['3e cycle' / PA04. [KRE] MIRVILLE, Ernest. 1971. "Le Créole Peut-il Être Claire?". Faculté d'Éthnologie de Port-au-Prince, Université d'État d'Haïti. ['Mémoire de sortie'] MORGAN, Newell Thomas. 1987. "Language Maintenance And Shift Among Haitians In The Dominican Republic". The University of New Mexico. Degree: Ph.D. 164 p. NEDJATI, Suzanne Allman. 1983. "Étude Ethnolinguistique Du Lexique De La Fécondité Et De La Maternité En Créole Haïtien". ['3e cycle de Linguistique /AIX01' [KRE] ORJALA, Paul Richard. 1970. "A Dialect Survey Of Haitian Creole". Hartford Seminary Foundation. Degree: Ph.D. 226 p. PHILLIPS, Judith Wingerd. "A Partial Grammar Of The Haitian Creole Verb System: Forms, Function And Syntax". State University of New York-Buffalo. 1982. 322 pages + 4 pages references] POMPILUS, Pradel. "Lexique Du Patois Créole d'Haïti". Université de Paris (Sorbonne). ['Thèse complémentaire'. - 'It contains about 7,000 words for which the following information is presented: pronunciation in the form of a phonetic notation, grammatical categorization and French definition for Creole word that have no French cognates or whose meanings differ markedly from those of their French cognates' (Valdman). [KRE] RACINE, Marie Marcelle Buteau. "A Linguistic Study Of Southern Haitian Creole: Phonology". Howard University. Degree: M.S. 62 p. RACINE, Marie Marcelle Buteau . 1970. "French And Creole Lexico-Semantic Conflicts: A Contribution To The Study Of Language In Contact In The Haitian Diglossic Situation". Georgetown University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 292. ROCK, Sylvia Martina. 1984. "Fronting In Caribbean Creoles". University of Southern California. Degree: Ph.D. [Language, Linguistics [KRE] ROZEVEL, Jean-Baptiste. "Étude Syntactico-sémantique Des Zones De Prédication Et De Détermination En Créole Haïtien: Essai Sur Quelques Micro-opérations". ['Nouv. Rég. /PA05/ H030 ref: 0344.14182/93 1MF [KRE] ROZEVEL, Jean-Baptiste. "Des opérations de predication et détermination: Une étude syntactico-semantique des zones de prediction et de détermination en créole haïtien". Université René Descartes-Paris V - U.R.R de Linguistique Générale et Appliquée. [Bibliographie critique: Des parties du discours en créole haïtien, projet de thèse, travail présenté pour le D.E.A de linguistique sous la direction de Alain Bentolila. Sorbonne (1986-87). 269 p. SAINT-FORT, Hugues. 1982. "La Création Lexicale En Créole Haïtien". ['3e cycle de Linguistique'. / PA05 [KRE] TESSONNEAU, Alex-Louise. "La Devinette-Enigme Haïtienne Technique Et Moyen D'Apprentissage De La Parole Dans Le Milieu Paysan Traditionnel". Thèse présentée à l'Université de Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle- en vue de l'obtention du Doctorat de III cycle . 266 p TINELLI, Henri Joseph Victor. 1970. "Generative Phonology Of Haitian Creole". University of Michigan. Ph.D. 178 p. VERNET, Pierre. 1973. "Analyse Syntaxique Du Créole Haïtien: Prédicat, Prédicatifs Et Non-Prédicatifs". Université de Paris V. ['Mémoire de licence. Syntaxe'[KRE] VERNET, Pierre. 1974. "Analyse Sémiologiques Des Prénoms Haïtiens". (Sous la direction de Louis-Jean Calvet). Université de Paris V. ['Mémoire de licence. Sémiologie' [KRE] VERNET, Pierre. 1974. "L'Apprentissage De L'anglais Chez Un Groupe D'adultes Haïtiens De New York: Motivations Et Origine Socio-culturelles". Université de Paris. [Linguistics, Creole; Linguistics, Haitian; Sociolinguistics. - 'Mémoire de licence socio-linguistique' [KRE] VERNET, Pierre. 1974. "L'enseignement Du Français Créolophone Haïtien: Analyse Contrastive Créole Haïtien-français Et Fondements Psycholinguistiques". [Mémoire de license psycho-linguistique. Université de Paris [KRE] VERNET, Pierre. 1975. "Analyse Contrastive Créole Haïtien-Français: Applications De La Contrastive, Ses Limites". Université de Paris V. ['Mémoire de maîtrise. Linguistique Appliquée [KRE] VERNET, Pierre. 1975. "Analyse Syntaxique Du Bambara". Université de Paris V. ['Mémoire de maîtrise Syntaxe [KRE] VERNET, Pierre. 1976. "L'opposition Verbo-nominale En Créole Haïtien". Université Paris V. [Mémoire de fin d'études de doctorat (D.E.A). Among the author's publications, Techniques d'écriture du créole haïtien (A l'intention des enseignants). 1980. 163 p. [KRE] VERNET, Pierre. 1984. "Langues, éducation et société en Haïti". Université de Paris V. [thèse de Doctorat de 3e cycle (2 tomes). 661 p. - Créole (statut); Éducation; Politique linguistique [KRE]

From: Bob Corbett <corbetre@webster.edu>
To: "Bob Corbett's Haiti list" <haiti@lists.webster.edu>
Subject: 26296:  Mercure:  (ask)  Studies of Kreyol Grammar (fwd)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 05:42:37 -0500 (CDT)

From: mercure1@verizon.net

Dear List,

I am now near to completing a little study of Haitian Creole grammar: a simple reference grammar with copious examples, detailing the tense system, uses of the infinitive, the gerund, purpose and result clauses, a phenomenon I call "reiteration to show subordination," &c. &c.

Before I began this, I looked into what was out there. I did not get the impression that there were any grammars of HC that combined accuracy, readability, and completeness.

I will now list the bibliography I have accumulated. I have not actually looked at many of these books, because copies exist only in distant libraries, or are only available for purchase. It would have been an expensive and time-consuming process to consult all of these works, and so I had to reply on informal (but generally negative) evaluations from individual linguists I knew.

The only book I was able to find that seemed to be on target was Valdman's Ann Pale Kreyol. This was thoroughly admirable, and in my own book I have done no more than build on his excellent foundation, expanding in areas space and the aims of an introductory textbook prohibited.

If anyone on the list is able to contradict the negative impression I recieved of the literature out there, and could support this by emailing me. oh let us say, the recommended grammarian's explanation of the function of TE when prefixed to a non-modal verb (e.g., m' te rive lakay le li rele m.), that would be quite good. (hint: if they say it makes the verb a perfect or a pluperfect, they miss the point. That describes what happens when we translate into English, but not of what TE always does to a non-modal verb).

The grammars I have seen or been told of are as follows:

I was unable to find a copy of Jean TARGETE, Advanced grammar of Haitian Creole,ort-au-Prince, Editions Fardin,1972. I did see Valdman's, Le créole: structure, statut et origine, Paris: Klincksick, 1978. This was splendid, but concentrated on the larger field of french Creoles., There are several books written by Pradel Pompilus in the 1970's or early 80's, which I found.

I was also unable to access a copy of Vedrine's Grame Keyol.

I am also aware of, though I have not seen, discussions of HC syntax by Chomskian linguists: Claire Lefebvre et al. La syntaxe de l'haïtien (Ann Arbor: Karoma), 1982, and Michel DeGRaff. He lists his recent articles on his WEB page.

this morning to I browsed the website of the Haitian book center, and found a number of works which may render my efforts superfluous. "Comment ecrire le crole haitien" by Yves Dejean; "Elements de Grammaire Creole" by Robert Damoiseau, "Haitian Creole in Ten Steps" by Robert Savain, "La Langue Creole d'Haiti" by Gerard Montes, :"Le Creole Haitien" by Dominique Fatier, "Spoken Creole for Intermediate Learners" by Marc Prou.

Do none of these people present the material thoroughly and well? I don't reject this as a possibility. On the other hand, there are quite as many dictionaries available which do not come within telescope range of Freeman's. It may be a similar situation.

My completed Grammar will be only about 30 pages long and should be done in a usable version by the end of October. I will be posting this online in PDF format without charge.

On my own behalf, I will say that it is a very direct and unpretentious little work, adopting a "nuts and bolts" approach. I am myself quite pleased with it, since it has enabled me to read through all the texts in Hall's collection, correctly parsing every construction, identifying the rare errors in transcriptionas well as the impossible corruptions, and, (for me most satisfyingly,) making clear the apalling errors in the translation of the Gospel of Luke into Creole. (Yes, the infamous TE construction. Lordy!)

At this point however, any advice about works that are worth the (sometimes considerable) trouble of consulting will be warmly appreciated. The explanation of the TE construction will be the my touchstone for the recommended works.

thanks to any who write in,

Jacob Rabinowitz