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26637: Simidor (comment): Simeus, Preval and the Endless Revolution (fwd)

            From: Daniel Simidor <danielsimidor@yahoo.com>

  Interviewed this past weekend  on Radio Caraibes, Simeus referred to a
soi-disant poll that named him and  Preval as the two most popular candidates
in Haiti?s presidential race,  adding suggestively  that were the two of them
were to  join force they would be unstoppable.  In  Haiti, one cocky Lavalas
man-on-the-street is already  celebrating: ?Any way you play it, we always come
out on top.?  Meanwhile in Brooklyn, one of those fine anti-imperialist Lavalas
fellow travelers who  understand the real implications of a Simeus-Preval
alliance, informs gruffly  and with typical bad faith: "So what?   Peyi a deja
okipe.?  (The country  is already under occupation, so shut up!)

  A client who ?always comes  out on top,? what a dream come true for the
lobbyists and lawyers and sundry  activists, webmasters and filmmakers (?a
small cadre of killers for hire,  corrupt officials and cynical, avaricious
foreign advocates,? writes Don Bohning in his review of Michael  Deibert?s
?Notes from the Last Testament?) on the payroll of

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