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26727: Donoviel: (ask) "Leftist" Simidor? (fwd)

Brett Donoviel  sldon2@yahoo.com

Why does the "leftist," "anti-imperialist" Simidor
NEVER criticize the repression, imperial ties, or the
existence of the imported Latortue government. Not to
flatter him, but I read a lot of his posts because I'm
still trying to figure out where he stands on some of
these issues.
Maybe other people on this list know him and his
background and politics. Or maybe, if he does have a
helpful analysis of the situation, it would be a good
time for him to make a statement or lay out this
analysis. Especially on topics other than Lavalas. I
think it's pretty clear where he stands on that. But
more about other topics such as Labor/Free Trade
Zones, the coup and its imperial nature, the UN and
PNH raids and killings, the politics of PPN or other
groups on the scene, US intentions in Haiti, the
incarceration of Jean Juste and others, and most
importantly, his vision for what should happen and how
to support Haitian self-determination. Etc...  Does he
work with BO or just supports their politics?

Break it down for the list!

Sprague's research is interesting. Batay's response is
also interesting. The investigation continues I
suppose. I would only say that Sprague's critique
doesn't need to be absolutist (unless it really is
absolute). But it seems that Batay has done some good
work in Ouanaminthe and elsewhere for workers, despite
their possible compromises. Complexities and
contradictions should not be swept under the rug.
Thanks in advance.


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