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27693: Durban (query): to Holmstead (ref 27671)

L. Durban <lpdurban@yahoo.com> responding to Corbett post 27671:

Just out of curiosity, John Holmstead, do you think it would be wise
for Mr. Preval to welcome Mr. Aristide back to Haiti?  Do you think it
would improve the prospects for peace, security, growth, job creation,
good relations with foreign countries and the U.N., etc. etc?  Would it
make Preval's job of governing ALL of Haiti easier or more difficult?
Note well, this is not a philosophical question of what's "Right" and
what's "Wrong".

At this point, most people in Haiti are looking for results, and
personally I think it quite doubtful that Aristide-in-country would
contribute to Preval's chance of success.  Baby Doc-in-country wouldn't
be much help either, IMO.

Lance Durban