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28389: Hermantin(News)Creole a vibrant language (letter to the Editor) (fwd)

From: leonie hermantin <lhermantin@hotmail.com>

Posted on Fri, Apr. 28, 2006

Creole a vibrant language

Re the April 26 letter 'No' to Creole immersion: The writer argues that aiding the assimilation of Haitians ``in a language spoken only by other Haitians -- and not even the historically official Haitian language of French -- is lunacy.''
He is propagating a common misconception about Haitian Creole, which is also an 
official language of Haiti and spoken by seven million people. French is spoken 
as a second language by less than 6 percent of the population, and these people 
speak Creole as well.
Haitian Creole is a strong and vibrant language. It is no more a degraded 
version of French than French is a degraded version of Latin.
LYNN BERK, professor emeritus of linguistics, Florida International University, 