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29564: Benson: (Information:) NECLAS call for papaers, panels (fwd)
From: Legrace Benson <legrace@twcny.rr.com>
New England Council Latin American Studies
Dear NECLAS Members,
Please forward to colleagues and students:
Call for Panels and Papers, New England Council of Latin American
Studies (NECLAS) annual meeting, Saturday, November 10, 2007, Mt.
Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA. The theme for our 2007 annual meeting
will be "The Americas on the Move." Scholars from any discipline are
encouraged to submit proposals for entire panels or individual papers on
the movement of people, products, ideas, and policies across the
region. Possible topics for investigation include migrations to and
from the region, exile, commodity flows, and the impact of
globalization, and evolving political relationships. Although priority
will be given to panels or papers that address the conference theme,
other topics will be considered. Please submit your proposals on the
attached form by email to the program chair for the 2007 meeting,
Professor Mark Williams, Department of Political Science, Middlebury
College, (mwilliam@middlebury.edu) by January 15, 2007.
Christian Estrella
NECLAS Secretariat
Department of International Relations
Boston University
152 Bay State Road
Boston MA 02215
tel: 617-353-9282
fax: 617-353-9290
Reminder: If you have not paid your 2006 dues, please do so by
following this link: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaID5904
Currently we have no member news on the website. Has anyone publish a
book or article recently that would like me to add to the site? Any new
job opportunities that need to be added?
Happy Thanksgiving!
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