From: Daniel Simidor <>
"Since Jean-Claude left, there's no work, no food, no nothing. Only burning tires, people getting killed and kidnappings," Judas Ducretin, 71, said at a gathering last week to mark Papa Doc's 100th birthday. "Without Duvalier, there is no country."
Since leaving office in 2001, President Preval did manage to (finally) get some hands-on practice as an agronomist in his Marmelade hometown, and the dearly beloved Jean-Bertrand Aristide has even earned himself a distinguished Zulu-as-a-sometime-language (ZSL) diploma from his South Africa retreat. One would like to know what the one-time playboy Jean-Claude Duvalier has accomplished during his long years in exile (besides replacing his two-timing Haitian wife with a French gold-digging ?fiancee?) to qualify him as a leader, able to solve the dire problems quoted above. Even the dead Papa Doc seems to have achieved more in the intervening years! GET A JOB, BABY DOC!!! ____________________________________________________________________________________ Now that's room service! Choose from over 150,000 hotels in 45,000 destinations on Yahoo! Travel to find your fit.