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30426: Hermantin(News) Haiti-themed events kick off at restaurant (fwd)

From: leonie hermantin <lhermantin@hotmail.com>

Posted on Sun, May. 20, 2007


Haiti-themed events kick off at restaurant
Local events start this Friday to celebrate Haitian art and Haitian Heritage & Cultural Month, which officially begins in June.
Special to The Miami Herald
Panera Bread just about shouts trend, pan-European ambience, food and décor.

''When you talk about Panera Bread, you know about good food and friendliness,'' said Jimmy Moise, president of Le P'ticlub, a Haitian and Caribbean art consortium based in Miramar.
From 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Friday, the restaurant at 2955 SW 160th Ave. in
Miramar will lend itself to a vibrant display of Haitian culture to herald the coming of the third annual Haitian Tourism Development Summit.
Sponsored by Haitian American-owned MWM & Associates and tourism consultants in 
Miami -- and endorsed by Le P'ticlub -- the free event will feature fine art, 
sculpture, music and networking opportunities for people interested in learning 
about the best of the island nation.
Free refreshments will be served.

Moise said the happening will celebrate Haitian Heritage & Cultural Month and promote the June 22-24 summit at the Deauville Beach Resort in Miami Beach.
The conference, led by MWM president Wilfrid Belfort, aims to attract local 
tourism executives, donors, investors and Haitian nationals who want to rebuild 
their homeland and improve its image.
''Haiti can and will be a tourist destination,'' Moise said.

For Moise, who works for Panera Bread, Friday's event also kicks off a series of other happenings endorsed by his club through the month of June.
An exhibit of 19 artists called Haitian Art: Flash of Color, will be hung 
Tuesday at the Glass Gallery in Pembroke Pines City Hall, 10100 Pines Blvd. 
Curator Ben Menasche said the artist list includes Regine Mercier, Franklin 
Belizaire, Wilfrid Daleus and Hersza Barjon.
''It will be like filling a dark room with a sudden burst of sun -- like 
someone lit 100 chandeliers,'' Menasche said about the colorful exhibit.
A free public reception with music, dance and food is set for 7 to 9 p.m. May 
More events are in store for June:

• On June 7, the South Regional Library on the Broward Community College South Campus at 7300 Pines Blvd. in Pembroke Pines will unveil an art exhibit.
• On June 16, members of Le P'ticlub and friends will meet and mingle at 
Moise's home for food tastings, book signings and entertainment.
• On June 30, Le P'ticlub will stage a performance art happening with poetry 
readings, steel drum bands, arts and crafts and food.
Menasche said much can be learned from Haitian art because many of the artists' 
works are based on memories of their colorful homeland -- and the pain of 
leaving it.
''Some might wonder why these artists are painting such beautiful work when 
they have struggled so much,'' Menasche said. ``That is what is called the 
balance of life and that is the balance of the universe.''
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