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30744: Labrom re 30741 Red/Green Zones (fwd)

fro voyageslumierehaiti@gmail.com

Thor I'm glad you met Justin, he's a client of mine and has now gone
up with other clients to Sodo!!!

Yes I've been given the same brochure!! a good bit of propaganda.

As for the Red Zones - there doesn't seem to be any rhyme nor reason
to them.  For a long time Ave Christophe was a Red Zone cos there had
been an incident involving a UN vehicle on that road. This road is the
main one which leads to the Oloffson and therefore the UN personnel
were not allowed to go to the hotel. Mind you having said that, I saw
several who went during that time!!! Then all of a sudden earlier on
this year they lifted the ban.

They are still now allowed to go to Champ de Mars, which is pretty
funny really cos the Plaza hotel, situated right near the Champ de
Mars, houses all the S. American majors! So even St. Trinity church
where they occasionally have classical music concerts is out of

From what I understand the Security division of Minustah make up the
Red Zone rules but on what basis I have not yet figured out!! I used
to get sent the updated Red Zone rules and it was always amusing cos I
had probably just gone down that very route either that day or the day
before and there had been no problems!!

But even if there is a normal 'street crime' which happens on the same
road as any UN member then they ALWAYS presume it's targeted at them!!


Voyages Lumière SA
email: voyageslumierehaiti@gmail.com
Tel: (00 509) 249-6177
Cellphones: (00 509) 557-0753/607-1321

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