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30821: Horelle (reply) Re: 30820: Bick (reply) RE: 30817: Spinelli (reply) Re: 30805: (news) Chamberlain: Haiti-UN-Lynchings (fwd)
From: Guy Horelle <g.guyhorelle@knology.net>
p reply is excellent ., saving Haiti is a grand design...however all Haiti and
the PEOPLE of haiti need is just a government with at least a 'feuille de
route' or at least a 'day schedule' and understand that the PEOPLE need less
cellphones and TV stations....or electronic news...or newspapers....but just
potatoes rice beans so at least they can eat at least one good meal a
day....now there's something to put on 'TODAY'S SCHED!!!' I am with p on that
one g. (guy horelle)