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a99: Safety in Haiti (Re: #a40,#a67,#a71,#a80,#a91) (fwd)

From: amedard@gte.net

Perhaps I am not following ForHaiti's train of thought - and I apologize if I am not
- but what I read

    >  Because it is full of innocent starving people who are victims of the
    >  political struggles just like other Third World countries.--

- particularly because it was without explanation - rather sounds like a "the mighty
[whomever] is going to save the world" type of reason.  While a few lives may be
positively touched for a moment or two, saving all the innocent starving people is,
of course, an impossible task.

P. Antoine's

    >  I go to Haiti because I actually love it!!!

sounds more realistic.  However, I'm not sure I understand his statement

    >  If everyone thought like you, Haiti would be in a bigger mess than it now
    >  is.

It seems to somewhat echo the tone of ForHaiti.

I wonder if, rather than attempting to discourage people from going to Haiti,

    >  why go to haiti at all?
    >  nothing seems to change in this so called democracy.
    >  nobody seems to want democracy.
    >  why even have a vote?
    >  it seems that bickering is the only thing to talk about.
    >  and the only thing to fight about.
    >  there is no safety in haiti.
    >  why?

McEnroe was simply expressing his frustration, sadness, forsaken hope and dismay with
the current situation which does not reflect a democracy, but rather an often unsafe
environment in which too many are at bitter and dangerous odds with each other.

I don't know; perhaps I am simply reading my own feelings into McEnroe's post.  But
Haiti has so much potential; the people, at heart, are so good; and there was so much
hope ... yet the same old greedy, power-hungry, selfish and pride-ridden atmosphere
seen too often in the past - a significant part of why the country is full of
innocent starving people who are victims of political struggles - has only magnified
itself umpteen times to the point that it has become difficult to see a peaceful and
healthy future.

And that is very sad.