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a1190: Did Yvon Neptune lie in his application to run for Senator? (fwd)

From: P Louissaint <totalcapital@email.com>

I understand that all list members, including me are irritated by the fact that most messages lately have been about Yvon Neptune's citizenship, past or present.

This is absolutely normal and this is an IMPORTANT question. I agree that the Constituion may have closed the doors to valuable Haitians who want to serve their country but who had to become American or Canadian. I agree that this question must be raised and an amendment of that article considered. As a matter of fact, the Constitution itself provides means to make amendments.

As christians, we have the Bible to refer to when we have to make decisions in ourlives. As a Nation, the equivalent is the Constitution. Until it is amended, we should see it in BLACK and WHITE, no room for considerations, NO ROOM FOR MOUNPA (MOUNPA = BUDDY)- This is exactly why we have Constitutions.

Of course traditional Haitian thinkers and politicians are of the OPPORTUNNISTIC type and they will say or write:"AT THIS STAGE OF THE GAME AND BECAUSE OF NEPTUNE'S OPPONENTS SLOWNESS...", they want to put us in front of the "FAIT ACCOMPLI".

I live in the US, have no political ambitions, am not an "opponent" of Neptune. As a matter of fact NEPTUNE HAS LIED WHEN HE APPLIED TO RUN FOR SENATOR BY ANSWERING "NO" TO THE QUESTION "HAVE YOU EVER GIVEN UP YOUR HAITIAN NATIONALITY" - In a decent democracy, he should just have resigned on his own.

By the way, I have noted tha HYPOLITE PIERRE who seems to be well informed has admitted that "AT SOME POINT NEPTUNE WAS A US CITIZEN"
Once again, this is very sad for Haiti to go down that path "EXCEPTIONS".


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