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a1772: Re: a1710: Re: a1705: RE: a1697: Newsweek Exclusive: Dupervalin Florida-Leg...

From: JRAuguste1@aol.com

Not only that but if convicted, Mr. Avril and Mr. Constant, as per the
Haitian Constitution, can only be condemned to forced labor for life. The
last time anyone actually performed any forced labor in Haiti is under
the regime of general Paul Eugene Magloire in the fifties. Presently in
Haiti, forced labor consists of playing dominoes indefinitely in the yard
of the National Penitentiary at rue du Centre in Port-au-Prince. With
food brought in from local home and bribery power within the Haitian
prison system.... it could actually be the life of Riley for those
condemned political criminals. Hey, I forgot, they are even kept apart
from the rest of the common detainees.
J-R. B. Auguste
      ? Does anyone honestly believe that Avril in jail,
      or Toto Constant back in Haiti in a prison cell, will help
      feed their hungry

      Hyppolite Pierre