I want to achieve three things in these first two weeks:
To this end I will use the first two weeks' assignments to advance the cause.
A student may earn up to 500 points in these first two weeks. Below are the specific assignments.
If you get a copy of this essay to me by Friday of the first week (Jan 21st.) I will grade it and return it and you are free to resubmit a second copy for a higher grade if you wish.
The essay must be at least 6000 bytes long (at least 2 pages single spaced with smallish type on typing paper). It should deal with some of the following issues:
People have long argued that schools have various functions which are important to both the individual and society. Some claim schools are there to prepare people for the work place. This is certainly a popular activity today and one of the main reasons people seem to go to the university. This is claimed to be valuable for the individual so he or she may earn a living and for the society so that skilled workers may carry the economy forward. Others claim that schools are important since they help individuals to develop their full (mainly non-economic) potential as persons. Others argue schools are important as socializing tools of any given society, passing on the history and values of that society. Certainly religious schools have claimed they are important since they pass on the particular vision of their religion's way to relate to God and to comport oneself in the world. In recent years schools have had added functions placed in their realm of responsibility as overseers of health care, sports and other social gatherings, teaching such practical skills as driving and the like, all for the good of both the individual and society.
However, the schools have limited money and time. Thus choices must be made.
This assignment is to be carried out within this setting: You are writing a plan for the fundamental aims of a school and how this will be carried out. This is a plan for a large elementary / highschool system in a long community (a town). The town has quite limited funds and will have to structure its plan within this limited budget which is fixed.
You are to argue what things are important to achieve, what the purpose of the school is, and in a world a limited funds, what are the priorities. What are aspects and aims of the school that may never be cut under any circumstance. What things, though they might be nice, should hold secondary priority and would have to give way the other priorities, and most importantly what REASONS can you give to support that case. What sorts of common aspects of schools are less important and may be on the list for elimination if funding doesn't permit -- and what REASONS can you give to support this case.
This issue is NOT to give a personal opinion. Rather, it is to say that if we are following the dictates of reason, then this is the strongest case that reason can give.
Total value of this assignment: 50 points. Due in the FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL, by Saturday at the latest. Late papers can not score higher than 30 points if exceptional.
If directed to Corbett's writings they should NOT be aimed at the same essays covered in your assignments A and B.
These are due at any time in the first two weeks, up to Saturday January 29th. After that time they are late and cannot score higher than 30 points if exceptional.
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Bob Corbett corbetre@webster.edu