Very special thanks to Carolyn Mirelli for the photos below.
When I first received this photo from Carolyn Mirelli it was in four pieces and it laying it out on my table, I had thought that it was two SEPARATE photos, each broken into two pieces. However, after I posted those "two" photos to my web site, Bob Mirielli explained to me that this was ONE huge photo. So, I went back and took the two individual photos I have made from the pieces and put them together into the original one, which is below.
The photos, as I indicated, had been broken into four pieces and even then the two largest segments of the four had several serious creases in it and will, I think, in no time be in more pieces than four. There was no way to recover those "white" spaces where the cracks and breaks are, thus the choppy appearance of some of the photo where those breaks and cracks occur.
Here is the ENTIRE photo as I pieced it together
Next comes the left side of the photo as I put two limited pieces together
Below I have separate this photo into two pieces and offer it at larger size. I am hoping that from this larger sized photo some of you will recognize people on the photo so that I can offer identification.
Please see the photos below and contact me with any identifications
The left side of the first photograph
The right side of the first photograph
The next section is the second half of the large photo, the right side
The left side of the second photograph
The right side of the second photograph
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