CALL TO ORDER: President John Corbett called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. at his home at 6314 West Park. Nine members were in attendance: Bob Corbett, John Corbett, Lucy Corbett, Tom Corbett, Carol Nemeth, Bill Miller, Gerry Miller, Sally Sharamitaro, and Joe Weisbrod.
Minutes of Last Meeting -A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the September 8, 2008 meeting. A vote was taken, the motion passed and the minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report - Bob Corbett, Treasurer, presented the current 2008 treasurer’s report. A motion was made and seconded to approve the treasurer’s report. A vote was taken, the motion passed and the treasurer’s report was approved.
Bob then initiated a discussion of the true balance in the treasury, as most of the current funds are for new benches. He suggested that the DHS organize a fundraiser to increase our treasury. A motion was made and seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed.
GENERAL BUSINESSArchives/Donations– – Bob let everyone know that for the past 6 months due to some construction at his family home, nothing much has been done to update the Dogtown website. But now that the construction is finished he is looking forward to doing some catch up.
One of the largest projects he plans to tackle first is to go back to hundreds of emails that he received. Each email that included new or additional information or corrections for the website has been saved. Now each will need to be downloaded, and the information added or corrections made.
Bob plans to do most of this work himself, but is hoping that other DHS members will offer to help with a few other DHS projects, ie., contact schools, write reports on any particular area of Dogtown history, etc.
It is very gratifying, he said, to see that members are responding to the recent emails, some from his brother Tom and his wife Lucy Corbett, that have triggered more memories of growing up in Dogtown.
Century Home Committee - Bill Miller reported that according to the records of the City of St. Louis, there were 75 homes built in Dogtown in 1909. The committee plans to send letters to each of these owners.
Bob stated that he plans to update the Century Home listing on the Dogtown website and wonders if additional information should be included in order to better describe the home, stone foundation, one story brick, etc.
Living History - No Report Membership Update - No Report Lecture Series - No ReportBench Project - No Report
Soldier’s Memorial - John passed around photographs of a Soldier’s memorial in Carlinville Illinois. He suggested that the DHS consider something similar for the Dogtown Soldier’s Memorial. The members could see their use of bricks (with names) as well as their use of large lists of veteran’s names.
If the concept can be carried out, and the funds can be raised by the City of St. Louis, the Dogtown neighborhood, and a local veterans group or two, John feels that Memorial Day is still a workable target date for the dedication.
NEW BUSINESSLabor Day Parade – John had another idea that he wanted the members to discuss, that of organizing a parade, a 2009 Labor Day Parade to be held the Saturday of Labor Day Weekend 2009. He spoke to the members about the many Dogtowners that have made a name for themselves and for Dogtown in the various labor unions. Several have been voted president of various AFL-CIO Labor Unions.
Bob suggested a committee to begin discussion on the idea, fundraiser(s), neighborhood approval as well as clean up following the parade. He asked for volunteers and welcomed Bill Miller, Carol Nemeth, Joe Weisbrod, Tom Corbett and John Corbett as fellow committee members
The meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m. The next meeting will be Saturday, January 8, 2009, at 10:00 a.m., St James Rectory 6401 Wade Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63139
Respectfully submitted
Sally Ryan Sharamitaro
Secretary, Dogtown Historical Society
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