This index will guide you to which photographs contain family and friends
Please note: If the CLASS YEAR of your relative or friend is "lit" and underlined, then I have that year's
photo and you can just click on the year to go to the photo page. HELP ME TO "LIGHT UP" YOUR RELATIVES OR FRIENDS. I JUST
Aceneli Jenny | 1992 |
Ackerman Scott | 1995 |
Adams Betty | 1955 |
Adams Joe | 1944 |
Adams Nicole | 1993 |
Adams Richard | 1952 |
Adler Clarence | 1921 |
Akers Francis | 1953 |
Alewel Shelley | 1985 |
Allen J. | 1955 |
Alvernia J | 1956 |
Alvernia Mark | 1998 |
Alvernia Mike | 1972 |
Alvernia Mike | 1995 |
Amid Sarah | 2001 |
Amy Posonsa | 1991 |
Anders Bob | 1970 |
Anderson Bob | 1984 |
Anderson John | 1934 |
Anderson Michelle | 1985 |
Anderson Omar | 1950 |
Anderson Patrick | 1952 |
Anderson Robert | 1935
Anderson Robert | 1951 |
Anderson T. | 1955 |
Anethanasopolis Maria | 1993 |
Angeli Carla | 1992 |
Angeli Danny | 1984 |
Anthony Matt | 1987 |
Aprill Janet | 1947 |
Arlt Dolores | 1924 |
Arlt Geraldine | 1923 |
Arlt Lawrence | 1931 |
Arnold Esther | 1915 |
Arnold Ione | 1926 |
Arnold Virginia | 1929 |
Arnold Virginia | 1929 |
Aubuchon David | 1985 |
Aubuchon Michael | 1981 |
Aubuchon Phil | 1992 |
Aubuchon Richard | 1952 |
Ayers Bob | 1974 |
Aylward Gail | 1951 |
Aylward Ronaly | 1944 |
Baer Alan | 1933 |
Baer Angie | 1993 |
Baervelt Robert | 1937 |
Baker Christine | 1987 |
Balding Nancee | 1953 |
Balding Patricia | 1957 |
Ballowe Shirley J. | 1954 |
Banks Joe | 1957 |
Banks Larry | 1961 |
Bannon Eleanor | 1917 |
Bannon Margaret | 1922 |
Barbay Joseph | 1998 |
Barbay Mike | 1976 |
Barby Mike | 1996 |
Barni Josephine | 1936 |
Baroli Rosemary | 1942 |
Barone Vito | 1955 |
Barr Alvina | 1919 |
Barr Irene | 1912 |
Barr Viola | 1916 |
Barr Walter | 1920 |
Barrett Charles | 1948 |
Barrett Florence | 1950 |
Barrett Margaret | 1950 |
Barrett Mildred | 1947 |
Barrett Milton | 1948 |
Barrett P | 1956 |
Barrone Anthony | 1949 |
Barry Edward (Bud) | 1936 |
Barry John | 1933 |
Barry Maureen | 1936 |
Barry Nancy | 1941 |
Barry Tim | 1976 |
Barry Tim | 1934 |
Barth Pat | 1970 |
Barth Sharon | 1961 |
Bartke Steven | 1998 |
Bates Margaret | 1923 |
Bauer Dave | 1992 |
Bauer Jennifer | 1989 |
Bauer Mary | 1981 |
Bauer Matt | 1984 |
Baumann Richard | 1961 |
Bawn Colleen | 1920 |
Bawn Helen | 1918 |
Bawn Louise | 1924 |
Bayers George | 1917 |
Bayers Raymond | 1910 |
Beachamp Loni | 1976 |
Becker Barbara | 1970 |
Beinecke Dorothy | 1934 |
Beinecke Laurence | 1929 |
Bellistri Al | 1953 |
Bellistri Jo Ann | 1956 |
Bellistri Richard | 1961 |
Bellville Patricia | 1949 |
Belnecke Lawrence | 1929 |
Bentrup Greg | 1994 |
Bentrup Melissa | 1998 |
Bentrup Neal | 2000 |
Berkel Betty | 1942 |
Berkel Joan | 1944 |
Berkel Ruth | 1952 |
Bernsen Lillian | 1926 |
Bernsen Regina | 1925 |
Berra W | 1956 |
Berry Josephine | 1920 |
Bertke Shannon | 1999 |
Bertly Diane | 1976 |
Bertram Diane | 1970 |
Bertram Dorothy | 1932 |
Bertram Maxine | 1933 |
Bettlach Bob | 1968 |
Betz Mary Ann | 1947 |
Beuhler Jim | 1968 |
Bigney Albertine | 1929 |
Bigney Albertine | 1929 |
Bigney Rosemary | 1931 |
Billings Catherine | 1936 |
Billings Charles | 1935
Billings Jack | 1946 |
Billings Margaret | 1942 |
Billings Mary Frances | 1940 |
Bindio Ann | 1976 |
Birtley Steve | 1968 |
Bisso Dean | 1929 |
Bisso Dean | 1929 |
Bisso Waldo | 1925 |
Black Margaret | 1919 |
Blake Joe | 1985 |
Blasitz Sylvia | 1925 |
Bledsoe Christopher | 1949 |
Blunker Jenny | 1986 |
Bohler David | 1957 |
Bohler Jennifer | 1998 |
Bohler Julie | 1995 |
Bolego Amy | 1994 |
Bolego Stephanie | 1997 |
Bolt Ada | 1920 |
Boman Joe | 1947 |
Boman William | 1936 |
Bommarito Niccole | 2000 |
Bonskowski Clare | 1945 |
Bonskowski Frances | 1957 |
Bonskowski Helen | 1937 |
Bonskowski Marcella | 1942 |
Bonskowski Martha | 1942 |
Bonskowski Mary Margaret | 1935
Bonskowski Robert | 1940 |
Bonzon Jeanne | 1944 |
Booncher John | 1915 |
Booth Ann | 1945 |
Booth Carol | 1948 |
Booth Jim | 1950 |
Booth K | 1956 |
Booth Mary | 1952 |
Borelli Bella | 1930 |
Borelli Dominic | 1929 |
Borrelli Dominick | 1929 |
Bosse Jane | 1974 |
Boulware Roberta | 1974 |
Bourisaw Elaine | 1950 |
Bourisaw Madeline | 1949 |
Bourisaw Mary Jean | 1945 |
Bovard M. Hester | 1925 |
Bovard Ruth | 1926 |
Boyd Robert | 1998 |
Boyer Paul | 1936 |
Bozesky Edmond | 1972 |
Bozesky Patty | 1974 |
Bozesky Ray | 1970 |
Bozesky Tim | 1970 |
Brady Bernard | 1927 |
Brady Dolores | 1925 |
Brady Dorothy | 1925 |
Brady Eileen | 1951 |
Brady Gerry | 1953 |
Brady Helen | 1916 |
Brady James | 1932 |
Brady Jim | 1942 |
Brady Joseph | 1904 |
Brady Kathleen | 1950 |
Brady M | 1956 |
Brady Maureen | 1950 |
Brady Rhomaine | 1923 |
Brady Thomas | 1935
Brady Veronica | 1930 |
Brakket Karen | 1986 |
Brash Chrisy | 1989 |
Bratcher Patricia | 1957 |
Brazel Betty | 1941 |
Brazill Carolyn | 1947 |
Brazill Pat | 1945 |
Braznell Joan | 1961 |
Brennell Andrew | 1997 |
Bresnahan Edmund | 1944 |
Bresnahan Theresa | 1955 |
Bresnham Vince | 1949 |
Brewer Chris | 2001 |
Brewer Chrisi | 1989 |
Brewer Ed | 1995 |
Brewer Leisa | 1974 |
Brielmeyer Elizabeth | 1968 |
Brissette Meagan | 2000 |
Brownfield Betty | 1941 |
Brownfield Lawrence | 1944 |
Brownfield Mark | 1995 |
Brownfield Mike | 1983 |
Brownfield Sandra | 1984 |
Bruce Laura | 1976 |
Bryant Wayne | 1957 |
Buckley Andrew | 1936 |
Buckley Edward | 1935
Buckley Mary Catherine | 1940 |
Buckley Timothy | 1944 |
Buechner Donald | 1948 |
Buechner Robert | 1946 |
Buecker David | 1961 |
Buehler Greg | 1970 |
Buergler James | 1998 |
Buescher Albert | 1932 |
Buescher Dorothy | 1927 |
Buescher Raymond | 1929 |
Buescher Raymond | 1929 |
Buettman Richard | 1936 |
Burch Anna Mae | 1942 |
Burch Bill | 1945 |
Burch Charlene | 1935
Burch Evelyn | 1948 |
Burch Helen | 1945 |
Burch Hermetta | 1932 |
Burch Mary | 1930 |
Burch Michael | 1957 |
Burgess Melissa | 1995 |
Burke Dan | 1931 |
Burke Don | 1953 |
Burke Glennon | 1927 |
Burke Kim | 1990 |
Burke Linda | 1961 |
Burke Mary L. | 1954 |
Burke Pat | 1961 |
Burns Frank | 1970 |
Burns Pat | 1968 |
Burt Mildred | 1936 |
Butman Kenneth | 1942 |
Cadieux Larry | 1976 |
Cadiex Ed | 1968 |
Cadwallader Edward | 1929 |
Cadwallader James | 1928 |
Cadwallader Joseph | 1924 |
Cadwallader Walter | 1933 |
Cadwallander Edward | 1929 |
Calcalterra Victoria | 1931 |
Calcaterra Becky | 1970 |
Calcaterra Dorothy | 1946 |
Calcaterra M | 1956 |
Calcaterra Peter | 1933 |
Caluird Jason | 1994 |
Canalli Peggy | 1972 |
Cannon L. | 1955 |
Cano Maria | 1985 |
Cantoni Marcelline | 1957 |
Capelli Catherine | 1936 |
Capelli Rose | 1932 |
Carbionn Margaret | 1914 |
Carmichael Mary | 1990 |
Carmickle Jay | 1984 |
Carnestil Angie | 1983 |
Carney D. | 1955 |
Carney James | 1952 |
Carney Joe | 1931 |
Carnoske Don | 1954 |
Carter Dan | 1974 |
Castenli Chris | 1976 |
Castro Ruth | 1961 |
Caulfield Barbara | 1953 |
Cenatiempo Benedict | 1932 |
Cenatiempo Carlo | 1928 |
Cenatiempo Joseph | 1922 |
Cenatiempo Lucille | 1926 |
Cenatiempo Margaret | 1923 |
Cenatiempo Michael | 1935
Cerruti Jim | 1961 |
Cerutti S | 1956 |
Charleville Loyola | 1929 |
Charleville Loyola | 1929 |
Chiaurro Anthony | 1949 |
Chiaurro Frank | 1949 |
Chiaurro Helen | 1927 |
Chiaurro Kate | 1951 |
Chiaurro Theresa | 1953 |
Chiodini Louis | 1942 |
Chiodini Mike | 1945 |
Christanell Ernest | 1954 |
Christanell Robert | 1961 |
Cimmerman Sheri | 1985 |
Clara Duval | 1931 |
Clark Jack | 1953 |
Clark Mary Jo | 1995 |
Clarke John | 1953 |
Claudis Frank | 1986 |
Clegg Anthony | 1917 |
Clements Joe | 1981 |
Clemmens Jenny | 1986 |
Clifton Melanie | 1993 |
Clifton Tiffany | 1994 |
Clisham Carol | 1954 |
Clisham Frank | 1951 |
Clisham John | 1944 |
Coad Agnes | 1940 |
Coad Bernice | 1932 |
Coad Bill | 1944 |
Coad Bill | 1945 |
Coad Catherine | 1924 |
Coad Dan | 1931 |
Coad Dave | 1945 |
Coad Dennis | 1921 |
Coad Estelle | 1925 |
Coad Fred | 1916 |
Coad Helen | 1917 |
Coad Jack | 1944 |
Coad James | 1932 |
Coad John | 1928 |
Coad Margaret | 1920 |
Coad Nancy | 1951 |
Coad Paul | 1968 |
Coad Paul (Jake) | 1936 |
Coad Robert | 1936 |
Coad Thomas | 1935
Coad Veronica | 1930 |
Coad Virginia | 1927 |
Cobb Crystal | 1997 |
Cobb Derrick | 2000 |
Cobb Melissa | 1992 |
Coble Alice | 1954 |
Coble Bessie | 1927 |
Coble Carol | 1950 |
Coble Harry | 1924 |
Coble Jane Ann | 1949 |
Cochran Darlene | 1993 |
Cochran Jane | 1989 |
Cody Anna | 1906 |
Cody Bill | 1949 |
Cody Challen | 1945 |
Cody Ed | 1946 |
Cody Edward | 1904 |
Cody George | 1918 |
Coffelt Kemper | 1955 |
Coffner John | 1987 |
Coffrey Pat | 1961 |
Cofstetter Bob | 1981 |
Cole Tom | 1989 |
Coleman Allison | 1994 |
Coleman Anita | 1952 |
Coleman Carla | 1995 |
Coleman Shawn | 1990 |
Collins Brian | 1994 |
Collins Christine | 1996 |
Collins Gary | 1970 |
Collins May | 1924 |
Colombo Lisa | 1972 |
Colombo Michael | 2000 |
Columbo Julia | 1936 |
Columbo Louise | 1935
Columbo Monica | 1974 |
Comisky Mary Alice | 1946 |
Condellire Carla | 1974 |
Connelly Margaret | 1961 |
Connolly Teresa | 1961 |
Conney T. | 1955 |
Connor Frank | 1942 |
Conroy Bill | 1941 |
Conroy Thomas | 1936 |
Constentine Diane | 1957 |
Cooney | 1950 |
Cooney Donald | 1976 |
Cooney Jim | 1946 |
Cooney Loretta | 1946 |
Cooney Tom | 1983 |
Cooper Bill | 1941 |
Cooper Bridget | 1996 |
Cooper Chuck | 1992 |
Cooper Jean Marie | 1948 |
Cooper Jim | 1946 |
Cooper Loretta | 1922 |
Cooper Mike | 1990 |
Corbett Alice | 1930 |
Corbett Bob | 1931 |
Corbett Bob (Butch) | 1953 |
Corbett Catherine | 1937 |
Corbett Charles (Roos) | 1927 |
Corbett Edward (Spider) | 1932 |
Corbett Gerry | 1936 |
Corbett Jack (Red) | 1924 |
Corbett Mary | 1927 |
Corbett Scott | 1985 |
Corbett William | 1925 |
Cordia Katherine | 2000 |
Corkery Danny | 1999 |
Corkery Erin | 1996 |
Cosma Gene | 1948 |
Cosmos Harold | 1946 |
Costello Ann | 1972 |
Cova Charlie | 1952 |
Cova Delores | 1946 |
Cova Robert | 1957 |
Crafton Craig | 1996 |
Crancer Francis | 1915 |
Cronin Mary Catherine | 1944 |
Crowe Colleen | 1970 |
Crowe James | 1944 |
Crowe Jane | 1945 |
Crowe Katie | 1989 |
Crowe Kevin | 1987 |
Crowe Kevin | 1987 |
Crowe Mark | 1984 |
Crowe Mary Beth | 1986 |
Crowe Rusty | 1940 |
Crowe Rusty | 1941 |
Crowell Howard | 1948 |
Crowell Shirley | 1952 |
Crowley John | 1968 |
Crump Bill | 1961 |
Crump Gabe | 1994 |
Crump Julia | 1999 |
Cuddy Charles | 1993 |
Cuddy Daniel | 1957 |
Cuddy Tom | 1995 |
Culinovic Bill | 1944 |
Cumberland Bill | 1937 |
Cumminskey Robert | 1942 |
Cummiskey Katherine | 1949 |
Cunningham John | 1976 |
Cunningham Stanley | 1916 |
Curlee Arthur | 1920 |
Curlee Thomas | 1922 |
Cutelli Virginia | 1935
Daddona Antonette | 1932 |
Daley Frank | 1927 |
Dalton Ted | 1989 |
Daly Margaret | 1941 |
Daly Tom | 1940 |
D'Amico Doris | 1961 |
D'Amico J. | 1955 |
D'Amico Linda | 1954 |
D'Amico Margaret | 1952 |
D'Angelo Tina | 1999 |
Dashe Yvonne | 1970 |
Dashen Terry | 1972 |
Datolli M | 1956 |
Dattoli Carol | 1954 |
Dattoli Delores | 1957 |
Dattoli Frances | 1957 |
Dattoli Mary Ann | 1955 |
Dattoli Stanley | 1955 |
Daugherty Stephanie | 2000 |
Davidson Heather | 1984 |
Dawson Charles | 1950 |
Dawson Richard | 1949 |
De Rinzo Edith | 1952 |
Dean James | 1912 |
Deddens Amie | 1987 |
Delano B | 1956 |
Dempsey Anna | 1935
Dempsey Lawrence | 1933 |
Dempster W.J. | 1956 |
Dennell Gertrude | 1909 |
Destito Fanny | 1970 |
Devaney Alice | 1915 |
Devaney Mary | 1919 |
DeVito Shelby | 1986 |
DeWalt Dennis | 1961 |
DeWalt S. | 1955 |
Di Pasco Eileen | 1954 |
Dickerson Raymond | 1948 |
Diederickson Harry | 1953 |
Diefenbach Anna Mae | 1937 |
Diefenbach Bob | 1957 |
Diefenbach Dolores | 1945 |
Diefenbach Elsie | 1946 |
Diefenbach James | 1950 |
Diefenbach Julian | 1945 |
Dietl Joyce | 1970 |
Difai James | 1950 |
Dildert Helen | 1931 |
Dirnberger Dan | 2001 |
DiSalvo Jo Ann | 1955 |
DiSalvo M | 1956 |
Dittmer Arthur | 1944 |
Dockery Joseph | 1946 |
Dockery Mary Agnes | 1942 |
Doering Andrew | 1929 |
Doering Andrew | 1929 |
Doering Frances | 1924 |
Doering John | 1925 |
Doherty Edward | 1957 |
Doherty Jean | 1949 |
Dolan Anna | 1917 |
Dolan Bob | 1937 |
Dolan Edward | 1916 |
Dolan Helen | 1912 |
Dolan Helen | 1922 |
Dolan James | 1913 |
Dolan John | 1919 |
Dolan John | 1935
Dolan Patricia | 1949 |
Dolan Raphael | 1908 |
Domijan Brian | 1989 |
Domijan Ed | 1953 |
Donaldson Joe | 1970 |
Donaldson Mary | 1972 |
Donnelly Eugene | 1906 |
Donnelly Joseph | 1913 |
Dougherty Ashley | 2001 |
Doughty Bill | 1953 |
Doughty Bill | 1955 |
Downs Maureen | 1997 |
Dressel Elizabeth | 1920 |
Dressler Norm |
1954 |
Dressler David |
1956 |
Dressler Karen |
1965 |
Dressler Ron |
1970 |
Dressler Fred |
1970 |
Dressler Fred |
1956 |
Droege David | 1940 |
Droege Joe | 1942 |
Droege Walter | 1936 |
Drummond Bernard | 1947 |
Drummond Bob | 1950 |
Drummond Elizabeth | 1957 |
Drummond J. | 1955 |
Drummond Mary | 1957 |
Drummond Mary Ann | 1952 |
Drummond Mike | 1974 |
Drummond Rich | 1953 |
Drummond Tom | 1961 |
Drummond William | 1948 |
Drury Pam | 1974 |
Duggan Agnes | 1931 |
Duggan Edward | 1932 |
Duggan Eileen | 1933 |
Duggan Gloria | 1935
Duggan Mary Claire | 1928 |
Duggan Robert | 1927 |
Duggan Veronica | 1929 |
Duggan Veronica | 1929 |
Dumphy Carol | 1951 |
Dunlap Peggy | 1953 |
Dunn Eileen | 1948 |
Dunn Jim | 1945 |
Dunn Patricia | 1946 |
Dupske Raymond | 1955 |
Dupske Richard | 1949 |
Durban Jim | 1974 |
Dury Carol | 2000 |
Dury Mark | 1999 |
Bob Corbett