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#4416: the Election Results
From: Max Blanchet <MaxBlanchet@worldnet.att.net>
Based on information posted on SICRAD's site,
according to Jessie Manigat who worked with the
95 CEP at a high level, all of the votes were taken
into account in determining the percentages in 95.
Whatever actually happened did not create much of a fuss
I suspect because the Lavalas majority was still whole
-- OPL, MOP, PLB, elatriye -- in 95 and there was not much
of an oppositin to make a fuss!
As pointed by Arthur, because of the unsusual situation
on May 21 whereby people voted for two senators and
even 3 in the Centre or Artibonite, the total vote
-- based either on the top four vote getters or correctly on
all the candidates -- had to be divided by 2 or 3 to arrive
at the correct denominator.
Mathematically, this is correct only if all voters voted
for 2 or 3 candidates. In the event some voters voted
for 1 or no senator, this factor should have been adjusted
downward, thus making the denominator larger and thereby
reducing the percentage even more. The correct factor could
have been determined using statistical sampling of the votes
cast in each department.
The OAS made that point (on the need to adjust the factor
downward) clear I believe in the letter from Marville to Manus.
I was hoping that some kind of a deal would have been arrived
at before the publication of the final results by the CEP.
I am afraid the CEP/Préval/Aristide have crossed the Rubicon and
I do not know how this is going to be resolved.