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8690: President Aristide expresses hope for end of negotiations (fwd)

From: MKarshan@aol.com

Press Release
Dated:  July 13, 2001
Contact:  Michelle Karshan, Foreign Press Liaison for President Jean-Bertrand 
Tel.:  (011509) 228-2058, Email:  mkarshan@aol.com


July 13, 2001 - During his speech at the opening ceremony of CARICOM’s office 
in Haiti, President Jean-Bertrand Aristide expressed his hope that the good 
news this occasion brings will be further solidified by a resolution to the 
political crisis via a conclusion to the negotiations this weekend.  

President Aristide discussed further his concerns about the negotiation 
process in an interview with local journalists pointing out that Fanmi 
Lavalas has made considerable concessions.  Highlighting those concessions, 
the President said that the resignations of the seven senators, the agreement 
by the parliamentarians to shorten their terms so that new staggered 
elections could be held are examples of extreme sacrifices that have been 
made in the interest of the nation.  The President also said that the respect 
afforded by Fanmi Lavalas and the negotiations themselves were also examples 
of efforts and concessions made by Fanmi Lavalas and the government. 

During his trip to Port-au-Paix earlier this week, the President asked what 
concessions have been made by the Convergence during this process.  Last 
night President Aristide again stressed the importance of reaching a balanced 
accord once more calling for mutual respect in the process.   

The opening of CARICOM’s office in Haiti demonstrates the commitment of 
CARICOM to the process of integrating Haiti into CARICOM as a full member.  
CARICOM believes that Haiti is prepared to meet the institutional and other 
challenges to full integration.

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