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9676: RE: 9663: U.S. urged to soften its policy on Haiti (Miami Herald ) (fwd)

From: "Walton, Robert" <waltonr@emh1.ftmeade.army.mil>
kSubject: RE: 9663:  U.S. urged to soften its policy on Haiti (Miami
Herald ) (fwd)

IMHO, aid loans and grants have been withheld because of concerns and
suspicions that they will line the pockets of corrupt officials and
organizations instead of being used for their intended purpose. 

Patterns  of governmental behavior that permits the powerful, the
legislators and the corrupt to further enrich themselves and evade Haiti's
justice system helps fuel these concerns and pleading the case of extreme
and verifiable need does not address them.  

I believe the aid will be released when the Haitian government is perceived
as functioning in the interest and just service of all its people.  If the
Black Caucus can present a case that Haiti's government is in fact
functioning in this manner they will be effective.
