PHIL -- FALL (I) 2001

Bob Corbett, instructor

Meets: 1-3 PM Tues. and Thurs.

Please note I have already begun a support page for this course, listing relevant links to work on Nietzsche which is already on the web. That page may be seen at:

Various essays and pointers on Friederich Nietzsche

Each student is required to submit 3 urls (web addresses) for three OTHER web site which no other student has yet submitted and which are not already on Corbett's page of links.

When I say that the link is not already there on Corbett's page that includes not only the primary links you see when you click on the above address, but on the first level of links which each one of those links leads to.

I will accept the URLs on a first come, first accepted basis beginning immediately.

For each of the three you must send FOUR things:

  1. The full URL address. Eg.
  2. You must include a short name for the link, preferably the one the author has given if there is on. This would be the name which is "highlighted" and on which someone would click to go to the link.
  3. You must give a brief description of what is in this link. This may not be more than four lines of type, but must be at least two.
  4. You must give a brief description of why you think this particular link is valuable for our work. Please be as explicit as you can.

All URLs must have been submitted by Tuesday Sept. 11th and submitted to Corbett by e-mail. If you have submitted serious URLS ON-TIME, but another has sent in the same URL before you, then I will inform you that the URL is unacceptable and extend the deadline another one week. If, however, you submit a URL which is ALREADY UP and running on my site, then you will receive no extension and you will receive a 0 for that 1/3rd of the assignment.

This assignment is worth 5% of the total grade for the course.

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Bob Corbett