Pick one of the topics below, or negotiate an alternative topic with Corbett.
Write a significant research paper on that topic. It should be double spaced, at least 6 full pages of text but no more than 10 pages unless you negotiation this with Corbett.
Papers must be in 12 point type with relatively small magins on all sides. This is a minimum of 6 FULL pages of text. There must be a separate cover page for all basic data, and both endnote and bibliography (which are required), are in addition to the 6-10 pages of text.
The grades will be given on the following basis:
My Philosophy Page | Webster U. Philosophy Department |
Philosophy for Children | Critical Thinking | Current Semester | Education | Existentialism |
Miscellaneous Topics | Moral Philosophy | Peace Issues | Voluntary Economic Simplicity |
Bob Corbett