HotCity Theatre Company
Doug Finlayson's direction is impeccable drawing sharp performances from his cast while he keeps the tension mounting throughout. Jim Burwinkel's scenic design conjures up a completely believable kitchen, and his lighting neatly frames the drama. Scott Breihan's costumes are nice fits for each of the characters, neatly delineating each of them. HotCity Theatre's production of True West is an open-ended triumph, fascinating and frustrating in equal measure (but in a good way). BROADWAYWORLD.COM
As HotCity Theatre's "True West" approaches its climax, playwright Sam Shepard and director Doug Finlayson give us one of the strangest, densest images to have graced a St. Louis stage in a long time: A foot stamps on a stack of toast. HotCity presents "True West" with verve, starting with pre-show announcements so clever they rate laughter and applause. ST. LOUIS POST DISPATCH
It’s a tight ensemble that works well together with the versatile, gifted Finlayson to provide an enjoyable evening at the theatre. THE VITAL VOICE
I don't know a lot about Sam Shepard's plays, but under Doug Finlayson's consummate direction, this play serves up a really interesting look at more than just sibling rivalry, but a kind of representation of two halves -- with one half wanting what the other has, and the pros and cons of both. ST. LOUIS THEATRE SNOB