“The Role of Museums in the Transformation of a Culture of War and Violence to a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence”: papers based on the 7th conference of the International Network of Museums for Peace, Barcelona Peace Resource Center, May 2011. Edited by Clive Barrett and Joyce Apsel, the book is published by the International Network of Museums for Peace.
The volume includes 23 essays by contributors from Africa, America, Asia and Europe. Themes include: Museums without Walls, Peace Education, Remembrance, Cultural Exchanges, Images, and Re-visioning Peace Museums. The 270-page volume also includes a series of photos, diagrams and drawings on peacemakers and global art of peace education activities along with designs for new exhibits and museums for peace. The book is about exploring the potential of peace museums to challenge people to become actively involved in peacemaking. A must have for all interested in peace and conflict, peace-making, peace education and peace museums.
The book can be ordered via www.lulu.com.