
Interval - Detected SpeedFrequencyRelative FrequencyCumulative Relative Frequency
80 - 8412100
75 - 792498
70 - 743694
65 - 6951088
60 - 64122478
55 - 59112254
50 - 54112232
45 - 492410
40 - 44366


Interval - Detected SpeedFrequencyRelative FrequencyCumulative Relative Frequency
83 - 8712100
78 - 820098
73 - 773698
68 - 7271492
63 - 670078
58 - 62173478
53 - 57122444
48 - 5251020
43 - 473610
38 - 42244

Note that by simply changing the selected intervals, the frequency tables represent the data differently. Each will be graphed below. Note the differences.

Same Data - Different Intervals

Frequency PolygonFrequency Polygon

There is an error in the graph! Can you spot it?


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