Psychological Ambiguities in Peacekeeping


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Table of Contents

Psychological Ambiguities in Peacekeeping

The degree of control individuals have over their behavior on the mission

These ambiguities can cause:

Understanding the nature and sources of the psychological ambiguities in peacekeeping operations will lead to:

Potential ambiguities are:

The Triangle Model of Responsibility

The Elements of the triangle model are:

The amount of responsibility an individual feels is a direct function of the strength of the linkages among these elements and the importance of the elements to the individual

When linkages are strong, the individual has a clear ³road map² for performance

Perception-Identity Link

Prescription-Event Link

Identity-Event Link

Interventions to Reduce Psychological Ambiguities

For the prescription-identity link the following steps should be taken:

For the identity-event link the following steps should be taken:

For the prescription-event link the following steps should be taken:

Directions for future research

In conclusion:

Author: Lisa Jones

Email for class information:

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Other information:
Powerpoint presentation by Lisa Jones