All papers must be typed, double-spaced, 1 inch margins, and in APA style format.
If you are in doubt as to what this means, see me for details.
Note that one of the major purposes of the paper is to facilitate your learning of APA format. Thus, you will need to become familiar with this publication format. We will discuss the format in class but you will also need to consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.) (the library has copies). Note that all journal articles for APA journals such as the American Psychologist are written and referenced in APA format. Forty percent of your grade will be related to your use of APA format.
While you may already be familiar with the concept of a literature review and what it entails, I would like to just reiterate some basic information.
- The basic format and structure of a literature review is discussed in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (remember, you are not conducting empirical research or writing a theoretical paper, thus the information concerning these two types of articles is not relevant for this class). The Publication Manual also provides all necessary information concerning referencing and writing style.
- You can find examples of literature reviews in psychology journals. These are articles not discussing a specific study conducted by the authors but rather reviews, evaluates, and critiques all of the research in a specific content area. Often, the words "a review of the literature" or simply "a review" will be part of the article title. My two articles on Ageism and Life Review are examples of small-scale literature reviews.
- Do's and Don'ts
For more information, see also:
Bem, D. J. (1995). Writing a review article for Psychological Bulletin.
Psychological Bulletin, 118, 172-177.
More info about literature reviews can be found at including a good handout which can be downloaded at
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