| | | | | Earliest | Latest |
Street | Address | Confectionery | More data | Propriator | date known | date known |
Bruno and Forest | | Ms. Frey's | | Ms. Frey | 1960s | 1970s |
Central | 1005 | Louise Ruth Confectionery | | Louise Ruth | 1944 | 1944 |
Clayton Ave. | 6200 | | | | | |
Clayton Ave. | 6211 | H. Giger Confectionery | In LET'S GO | H. Geiger | 1928 | 1932 |
Clayton Ave. | 6213 | Donohue Meat Market and Grocery | In LET'S GO | | 1925 | 1927 |
Clayton Ave. | 6226 | Setzer Food Shop | | | 1960 | 1960 |
Clayton Ave. | 6235 | James Shearn Grocer | | James Shearn | 1918 | |
Clayton Ave. | 6301 | Clayton Grocery Company | In LET'S GO | S. Larner (later C.C. Payne) | 1918 | 1926 |
Clayton Ave. | 6301 | Payne Grocery | In LET'S GO | | 1927 | 1927 |
Clayton Ave. | 6307 | Fred Astroth Grocery | | Frad Astroth | 1925 | 1925 |
Clayton Ave. | 6313 | Edward D. Cody, grocer | | Edward D. Cody | 1918 | 1918 |
Clayton Ave. | 6313 | James D. Palmer, grocer | | James D. Palmer | 1919 | 1919 |
Clayton Ave. | 6313 | Charles Burkhardt Baker | | Charles Burkhardt | 1925 | 1925 |
Clayton Ave. | 6331 | Christopher Grocery | | Charles Christopher | 1925 | 1925 |
Clayton Ave. | 6331 | Walter Giesecke Meats | | Walter Giesecke | 1925 | 1925 |
Clayton Ave. | 6331 | Western Market: Groceries, Meat, Veg. | In LET'S GO | | 1927 | 1928 |
Clayton Ave. | 6332 | Greenwood Delicatessen | In LET'S GO | Wm. Gaus | 1932 | 1932 |
Clayton Ave. | 6333 | Wm. A. Schaefer Bakery | In LET'S GO | | 1927 | 1932 |
Clayton Ave. | 6411 | Kroger Grocery and Bakery | | | 1944 | 1960 |
Clayton Ave. | 6484 | The Rose Wood Confectionery | In LET'S GO | | 1928 | 1929 |
Clayton Ave. | 6484 | The Rose Wood Confectionery | In LET'S GO | | 1928 | 1929 |
Clayton Ave. | 6484 | Ludwig Confectionery | In LET'S GO | | 1929 | 1929 |
Clayton Ave. | 6484 | Agnew's Confectionery | In LET'S GO | | 1929 | 1929 |
Clayton Ave. | 6484 | Chamberlain Confectionery | | George Chamberlain | 1944 | 1944 |
Clayton Ave. | 6484 | Leon Beck Confectionary | | Leon Beck | 1952 | 1970 |
Clayton Ave. | 6486 | Clayton Food Market | | Tom Boy Groceries | 1941 | 1944 |
Clayton Ave. | 6486 | Kyman's Market | P.J. O'Connor Book | Mr. Harry S. Kyman | 1925 | 1937 |
Clayton Ave. | 6657 | Roy Vogts Grocer | | Roy Vogts | 1952 | |
Clayton Ave. | 6657 | Kaufman's Market | | | 1960 | 1962 |
Clayton Ave. | 6657 | VAI Saling Grocery | P.J. O'Connor Book | Valentine Henry Saling | 1930 | 1937 |
Clayton Ave. | 6659 | Chamberlain Confectionary | | Jessie Chamberlain | 1944 | 1944 |
Clayton Ave. | 6659 | Russell Johnson Confectionary | | Russell Johnson | 1951 | 1952 |
Clayton Ave. | 6659 | Arlene and Joe
Phelan's Confectionery | | | 1951 | 1952 | Confectionery |
Clayton Ave. | 6659 | Mr. and Mrs. Moore | | | 1952 | | Food Store |
Clayton Ave. | 6659 | Mickey's Food Shop | | | 1970 | 1970 |
Clayton Ave. | 6659 | Mickey's | | | 1980 | 1980S? |
Clayton Ave. | 6659 | Phyles | See story | | | |
Clayton Ave. | 6800 | Charles McDonnell Grocery | | Charles McDonnell | 1918 | |
Clayton Ave. | 6800 | Eugene Paxton, confectionary | | Eugene Paxton | 1952 | |
Clayton Ave. | 6814 | The McDonald Grocery Co. | P.J. O'Connor Book | Mr. McDonald (after 1917 Mrs. Margaret McDonald) | 1914 | 1952 |
Clayton Ave. | 6816 | Kroger Grocery and Bakery | | | 1918 | 1925 |
Clayton Ave. | 6816 | Marg Lesyna Confectionery | | Marg Lesyna | 1944 | 1944 |
Clayton Ave. | 6818 | Braden Confectionery | | Charles Braden | 1925 | 1925 |
Clayton Ave. | 6818 | Friendly Food Market | | | 1944 | 1944 |
Clayton Ave. | 6820 | Adolph Jackson, baker | | Adolph Jackson | 1918 | |
Clayton Ave. | 6820 | Wahlbring Gorcery | | | 1952 | |
Clayton Ave. | 6822 | Cogswell F. Dunbar, grocer | | Cogswell F. Dunbar | 1918 | |
Clayton Ave. | 6824 | A & P Food Store | | | 1944 | 1944 |
Clayton Ave. | 6824 | Steeger Meats | | | 1944 | 1944 |
Clayton Ave. | 6844 | John Westfall Grocery | | John Westfall | 1918 | |
Clayton Ave. | 6908 | Ernst Pack Grocery | | Ernst Pack | 1925 | 1925 |
Dale Ave. | 1423 | A.J. LaPlante, Grocery | | A. J. LaPlante | 1952 | |
Dale Ave. | 5651 | Neighborhood Delicatessen | | | | |
Dale Ave. | 6470 | Lisher Grocery | | Louis Lisher | 1944 | 1944 |
Dale Ave. | 6470 | Dale Avenue Delicatessen | P.J. O'Connor Book | Zora Manestar | 1935 | 1937 |
Dale Ave. | 6549 | Molinar Grocery | | Rudolph Molinar | 1960 | 1962 |
Dale Ave. | 6617 | J.E. Copeland Groceries and Meats | In LET'S GO | J.E. Copeland | 1932 | 1932 |
Dale Ave. | 6651 | Speedi-Check Food Market | In LET'S GO | Carl and Delores | 1962 | 1962 |
Dale Ave. | 6651 | Convenience Market | | | 1970 | 1970 |
Dale Ave. | 6777 | Dale Food Shop | | | 1962 | 1970 |
Dale Ave. | 6900 | Bess McCabe's | | | | |
Dale Ave. | n.Manchester | | | | | |
Famous | 6200 | Lambert Confectionaery and Delicatessen | | | 1944 | 1944 |
Forest | 1031 | Bumm Wholesale Meats | | Frank Bumm | 1944 | 1952 |
Forest | 1302 | Meyer Groceries | | Pearl Meyer | 1952 | 1952 |
Forest | 1304 | Robinson's | see 6828 West Park | | 1968 | 1968 |
Forest | 2201 | Fry Confectionery | | | 1960 | 1960 |
Forest | 2215 | Futrell Confectionary | | Thomas Futrell | 1952 | 1952 |
Garner Ave. | 6657 | Geo. A. Lederle Groceries - Meats - Vegetables | In LET'S GO | George A.Lederle | 1926 | 1927 |
Hampton Ave. | 1200 | Annie's | | | | |
Hampton Ave. | 1230 | Hampton Confectionary | | Mrs. Watts | 1952 | 1960 |
Hampton Ave. | 1230 | Sullivan Confectionary | | | 1962 | 1962 |
Hampton Ave. | 1232 | Williams Grocery | | Louis Williams | 1944 | 1944 |
Hampton Ave. | 1232 | Russo & Son Food Market | | | 1952 | |
Hampton Ave. | 1325 | O'Keefe Brothers Grocery | P.J. O'Connor Book | Mr. Charles M. O'Keefe, Sr. | 1923 | 1952 |
Hampton Ave. | at Oakland | Yaden's | See story | Mr. Yaden | | |
Hampton Ave. | nw at Victoria | Watt's Confectionary | | | | |
Knox | 1903 | John A. Badendieck Grocery | P.J. O'Connor Book | John A. Badendieck | 1912 | 1941 |
Knox | 1907 | McMahon's Market | | | 1951 | 1951 |
Lloyd Ave. | 6101 | Haley's Confectionery | | | 1952 | 1960 |
Lloyd Ave. | 6200 | Politte's Confectionery | | Roger and Mary Pollite | | |
Louisville | 1423 | LaPlant Food Shop | | | 1951 | 1951 |
Louisville | 1423 | Louisville Food Shop | | John and Joseph Krohnq | 1960 | 1970 |
Louisville | 1423 | Delicatessen Louisville | | | 1965 | 1965 |
Louisville | 1423 | Miriani's Deli | | | 1983 | 1983 |
Louisville | 1500 | Krohn's Confectionery | | | | |
Manchester Ave. | 5579 | Westen Grocery | | Maud Westen | 1944 | 1944 |
Manchester Ave. | 5609 | Mary Larrison, grocer | | Mary Larrison | 1918 | 1925 |
Manchester Ave. | 5681 | Gittins Grocery | P.J. O'Connor Book | Edward Gittins (later Sam Gittins) | 1871 | 1937 |
Manchester Ave. | 5839 | Mary Wildberger, grocer | | Mary Wildberger | 1918 | |
Manchester Ave. | 5839 | Gualdoni Grocery | | Henry Gualdoni | 1925 | 1925 |
Manchester Ave. | 5841 | Anna Gruen, confectionary | | Anna Gruen | 1918 | |
Manchester Ave. | 5841 | Brady Confectionery | | Grace Brady | 1925 | 1925 |
Manchester Ave. | 5861 | George Gittins, grocer | | George Gittins | 1871 | 1952 |
Manchester Ave. | 6021 | Kroger Grocery and Bakery | | | 1925 | 1925 |
Manchester Ave. | 6021 | Keck Grocery | | William Keck | 1944 | 1944 |
Manchester Ave. | 6033 | Chas. F. DeHas Confectionery | In LET'S GO | Charles F. DeHas | 1925 | 1926 |
Manchester Ave. | 6033 | Frankel Confectionery | | Jacob Frankel | 1925 | 1925 |
Manchester Ave. | 6413 | Tamm - Dale Market | P.J. O'Connor Book | Frank Baretich | 1934 | 1937 |
Manchester Ave. | 6415 | Baretich Grocery | | Frank Baretich | 1944 | 1944 |
Manchester Ave. | 6487 | Gioia's Tavern and Store | | Charles Gioia | | |
Manchester Ave. | 6501 | Regna's Produce Market | | | 1960 | 1960 |
Manchester Ave. | 6503 | Frederick Lerche, grocer | | Frederick Lerche | 1918 | 1925 |
Manchester Ave. | 6653 | Ponciroli Grocery | | Angelo Ponciroli | 1925 | 1925 |
Manchester Ave. | 6750 | Love Confectionary | | Henry Love | 1952 | |
Manchester Ave. | 6823 | Hookey Confectionery | | Harold Hookey | 1925 | 1925 |
Manchester Ave. | 6823 | Murphy Confectionery | | Christina Murphy | 1944 | 1944 |
Manchester Ave. | 6831 | Flaiz Bros. Grocers | | | 1918 | |
Manchester Ave. | 6831 | Killian Grocery | | | 1925 | 1925 |
Manchester Ave. | 6833 | Hargate Confectionery | | | 1925 | 1925 |
Manchester Ave. | 6837 | Margaret Bisso, grocer | | Margaret Bisso | 1918 | |
Manchester Ave. | 6847 | Witt Grocery | | Frank Witt | 1925 | 1944 |
Manchester Ave. | 6859 | Edward Krastner, confectionary | | Edward Krastner | 1918 | |
Manchester Ave. | 6904 | Frank Witt, grocer | | Frank Witt | 1918 | 1944 |
Manchester Ave. | 6905 | Kroger Grocery and Bakery | | | 1918 | 1925 |
Manchester Ave. | 6905 | Nystrom Grocery | | Emil Nystrom | 1925 | 1944 |
Manchester Ave. | 6940 | Del Farm Super Market | | | 1970 | 1970 |
Manchester Ave. | 6947 | Peters Grocery | | Thales Peters | 1952 | |
Manchester Ave. | 6947 | May's Confectionery | | May Cross | 1960 | 1960 |
Manchester Ave. | 6948 | Max Stier, grocer | | Max Stier | 1918 | |
Manchester Ave. | 6948 | Bisso Grocery | | Paul Bisso | 1925 | 1925 |
Manchester Ave. | 6949 | Edward Teutenberg, baker | | Edward Teutenberg | 1918 | |
Manchester Ave. | 6949 | Cantalin Bakery | | Alf Cantalin | 1925 | 1925 |
Manchester Ave. | 6949 | Flavorite Bakery | | | 1952 | |
McCausland Ave. | 1368 | Henry Mohrig, grocer | | Henry Mohrig | 1918 | |
McCausland Ave. | 1368 | Hadley Grocery | | Everett Handley | 1925 | 1925 |
McCausland Ave. | 1368 | Shaw-Schreier Super Market | | | 1952 | 1960 |
McCausland Ave. | 1902 | Mowery Delicatessen | | John Mowery | 1944 | 1944 |
McCausland Ave. | 1902 | Hazel DeClue Confectionary | | Hazel DeClue | 1952 | 1052 |
McCausland Ave. | 1902 | Kemper's Confectionery | | | 1960 | 1960 |
McCausland Ave. | 1902 | Teg's Food Shop | | | 1970 | 1970 |
McCausland Ave. | 2310 | Del-Farm Food Store | | | 1970 | 1970 |
Mitchell Ave. | 7000 | Kemper's | | | | |
Oakland Ave. | 6022 | Stamos Confectionery | | William Stamos | 1925 | 1925 |
Oakland Ave. | 6100 | Yadon Confectionery | | George Yadon | 1925 | 1925 |
Oakland Ave. | 6244 | Reed Delicatessen | | Myrtl Reed | 1944 | 1944 |
Oakland Ave. | 6400 | Oliver Zinser, Confectionary | | Oliver Zinser | 1918 | 1918 |
Oakland Ave. | 6400 | Jennie McNair | | Jennie McNair | 1919 | 1924 |
Oakland Ave. | 6400 | Chiaurro Confectionery | | Anthony Chiaurro | 1925 | 1930 |
Oakland Ave. | 6400 | Tamm-Oak Confectionery | City Directory | F. P. McAliney | 1941 | 1942 |
Sulphur | 1518 | Elizabeth Distler, Grocery | | Elizabeth Distler | 1918 | |
Tamm Ave. | 1019 | Antonio Chiraurro, grocer | | Antonio Chiraurro | 1918 | |
Tamm Ave. | 1035 | George Vellios Grocery | | George Vellios | 1944 | 1944 |
Tamm Ave. | 1046 | Michael Derienzo, grocer | | Michael Derienzo | 1918 | |
Tamm Ave. | 1210 | Schneider Grocery | | John Schneider | 1944 | 1944 |
Tamm Ave. | 1210 | Victoria Food Market | | Morris Padratzik | 1951 | 1962 |
Tamm Ave. | 1215 | Victoria Food Market | | | 1965 | 1965 |
Tamm Ave. | 1218 | Kroger Grocery and Bakery | | | 1925 | 1925 |
Tamm Ave. | 1218 | John Keller, grocer | | John Koller | 1950 | 1952 |
Tamm Ave. | 1218 | Victoria Food Market | | | | |
Tamm Ave. | 1218 | Delmonte Market | P.J. O'Connor Book | Sam Movitz | 1934 | 1937 |
Tamm Ave. | 1219 | Victoria Food Market | | | 1970 | 1979 |
Tamm Ave. | 1220 | Pleezall Confectionery | See story | Alf Fuchs | 1920 | 1932 |
Tamm Ave. | 1220 | Movitz Grocery | | Sam Movitz | 1944 | 1944 |
Tamm Ave. | 1242 | Forest Park Bakery | In LET'S GO | William Nuss (Successor to K. Knodel) | 1925 | 1927 |
Tamm Ave. | 1242 | Keis Bakery | | August Knodel | 1925 | 1965 |
Tamm Ave. | 1242 | E. Kies & Son Bakery | P.J. O'Connor Book | Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kies (later Gus) | 1910 | 1970 |
Tamm Ave. | 1315 | William Rollman, grocer | | William Rollman | 1918 | |
Tamm Ave. | 1320 | Vincent Kigens Confectionery | P.J. O'Connor Book | Vincent Kigens | 1920 | 1937 |
Tamm Ave. | 1320 | August Berlemann Confectionary | | August Berlemann | 1952 | |
Tamm Ave. | 1320 | Gilbert's Confectionery | | Flody Gilbert | 1960 | 1960 |
Tamm Ave. | 1320 | Mrs. Fox's Confectionery | P.J. O'Connor Book | Mrs. Fox | Before 1920 | 1920 |
Tamm Ave. | 1420 | Fred Williams Choice Meats | In LET'S GO | Fred Williams | 1930 | 1932 |
Tamm Ave. | 1420 | Elking Grocery | | | 1951 | 1952 |
Tamm Ave. | 1420 | Fuse's Market | Fuse's Market | Charles and Mary Fuse | 1956 | 1958 |
Tamm Ave. | 1420 | Roeder's Super Market | | | 1960 | 1962 |
Tamm Ave. | 1420 | Hoecheckers's Market | Hoechecker's Market | Vie and Ed Hoechecker | 1965 | 1965 |
Tamm Ave. | 1420 | Ed's AG Market | | | 1965 | 1965 |
Tamm Ave. | 1420 | Busy Bee Market | | | 1970 | 1970 |
Tamm Ave. | 1420 | Garavaglia Market | P.J. O'Connor Book | John Garavaglia | 1930 | 1950 |
Tamm Ave. | 1420 | Garavaglia's Deli | | Brenda Garavaglia | 1997 | 2005 |
Tamm Ave. | 1422 | Jahnsen Bros. Bakery | In LET'S GO | | 1928 | 1932 |
Tamm Ave. | 1422 | Tamm Confectionery | | | 1950 | 1952 |
Tamm Ave. | 1422 | Tamm Novelty Shop | | | 1960 | 1960 |
Tamm Ave. | 1422 | Newroth's Confectionary | See story | | | |
Tamm Ave. | 1541 | Ella Graves Confectionery Store | In LET'S GO | Ella Graves | 1926 | 1927 |
Tamm Ave. | 1541 | Hazel's Confectionary | P.J. O'Connor Book | Mr. James R. Moore (formerly a farmer) | 1931 | 1937 |
Tamm Ave. | 1541 | Eva Cook Confectionery | | Eva Cook | 1944 | 1944 |
Tamm Ave. | 1541 | Moore's Confectionery | P.J. O'Connor Book | Mr. James R. Moore (formerly a farmer) | 1931 | 1937 |
Tamm Ave. | 1555 | August Lachtrup, grocer | | August Lachtrup | 1918 | 1925 |
Tamm Ave. | 1555 | S. Domyan Grocery and Meat Market | In LET'S GO | S. Domyan | 1930 | 1932 |
Tamm Ave. | 1557 | Cotner Grocery | | Garett Cotner | 1944 | 1944 |
Tamm Ave. | | Mrs. Fox's Confectionery | See story | Mrs. Fox | Before 1920 | 1920 |
Tamm Ave. | n. Berthold | | | | | |
Victoria Ave. | 6331 | George J. Schmidt Groceries, Meat & Veg. | In LET'S GO | George J. Schmidt | 1924 | 1928 |
West Park | 5726 | John Sigillito, grocer | | John Sigillito | 1918 | |
West Park | 5726 | Caesar Bertani Grocery | | Caesar Bertani | 1944 | 1951 |
West Park | 5738 | Fisher Fine Foods, Grocery | | | 1960 | 1960 |
West Park | 5750 | Thera Bunte, grocer | | Thera Bunte | 1918 | |
West Park | 5762 | Evonne Food Shop | | | 1962 | 1982 |
West Park | 6328 | Fancy Fruit and Vegetables | P.J. O'Connor Book | Joe and Jennie Sharamitaro | 1918 | 1970 |
West Park | 6401 | Walter Theobald, grocer | | Walter Theobald | 1918 | |
West Park | 6401 | Shilling Grocery | | J.S. Schilling | 1944 | 1952 |
West Park | 6401 | Meyer's Grocery Store | P.J. O'Connor Book | Charles H. Meyers | 1921 | 1937 |
West Park | 6531 | Wm. B. Smith Groceries and Meats | In LET'S GO | Wm. B. Smith | 1931 | 1944 |
West Park | 6828 | Robinson's | See 1304 Forest | | 1968 | 1968 |
West Park | at Pierce | | | | | |
West Park | 6604 | Larrigan's Confectionery | See story | | | |
Wise Ave. | 6402 | Hense Grocery | P.J. O'Connor Book | Wm. Hense, Sr. (later Wm. Hense, Jr.) | 1905 | 1944 |
Wise Ave. | 6771 | Barth Grocery | | Michael Barth | 1944 | 1944 |
Wise Ave. | 6771 | Lynn's Food Shop | See story | Lynn and Jane Hobbs | 1952 | 1970 |