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13505: Joseph: (news) Re "As TV Cameras Roll, Haitians... (fwd)

From: Dotie Joseph <dotiej@hotmail.com>

October 31, 2002
Asylum for Haitians

To the Editor:

Re "As TV Cameras Roll, Haitians Dash From Stranded Boat to the Florida
Shore" (news article, Oct. 30):

The United States' history in Haiti is a sad one, marked by missed
opportunities, corruption and violence.

Is it any wonder that Haitians risk life and limb to escape their country?
Most pay to get on a boat with the promise of starting a new life in the
States but are never told that the boats will be intercepted by the Coast

Welcome to the land of opportunity. If you're Cuban, fine, but if you're
Haitian, you're going into detention and back home in a few weeks.

If the Bush administration won't allow Haitians to seek political asylum,
why not economic asylum? Are we really worried that Haitians will take jobs
away from United States citizens?

Look around South Florida. Many of the people doing menial work there are
Providence, R.I., Oct. 30, 2002

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