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14659: Chamberlain comments on "true subversion" (Saint-Vil 14648) (fwd)

From: Greg Chamberlain <GregChamberlain@compuserve.com>

I think this "cabinet list" is the personal fantasy of one Wisler
Marcellus, who lives in the US and who nobody has ever heard of.  I think
it was the same site and list that the Aristide street-gang leader Paul
Raymond came across a couple of years ago and assumed was the
government-in-waiting.  It led him to triumphantly "reveal" it at a famous
press conference and make death threats against politicians and
journalists.  He was later told it was nonsense and fell into an
embarrassed silence.

Surely the alarm bells should have rung on reading that the big chief of
the "Comite National de Salut Public" was Wisler Marcellus himself, who
seems to have simply invented his own cabinet and put it online to
advertise his one-man-and-a-dog "house party" ?

It's amusing to join Marcellus' fantasy, but that's just what it is,
nothing more, as far as I know.  Just good old "fumisterie."  Can anyone
tell us exactly who Marcellus is?  (I know, I know, he's really Cedras

        Greg Chamberlain