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14764: Succar: Re: 14748: Dorce:Re: 14665: Nadal's comments on Saint -Vil post (fwd)

From: Jean Succar <succarj@hotmail.com>


You have captured an essential aspect of the Haitian problem but you have
given the wrong reasons for it.  I would not call it hatred however but
dysfunctional interaction between classes.  I think the leading class has
failed to fulfill some its "non-obligating" duties or better said, has
failed to make it apparent to the people.

As far as Aristide, I really don't think people does not approve of him
because of his look, I think it is in majority for his poor political
decisions, his hostile statements towards the bourgeoisie, which includes
hard-working, participating citizens, who felt belittled and threatened, and
the worsening conditions of the country.  I can guarantee you that Aristide
would be the most beautiful person on earth has it provided the Haitian
people with the very basic of security, a stable economy and establishing
the missing bridge between the leading class and the people.

Your language judgment is not quite exact.  The kreyol is being embraced in
Haiti at all levels.

To conclude the elite of Haiti does belong where it is now.  It has done a
lot for this country.  We need to find a way to link them to the people in a
more conspicuous way and make them more responsible for its betterment.  I
was hoping Aristide could do that instead of overtly attacking them.