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14849: Dorce: Re: 14764: Succar: Re: 14748: Dorce:Re: 14665: Nadal (fwd)

From: LAKAT47@aol.com

<< You have captured an essential aspect of the Haitian problem but you have
 given the wrong reasons for it.  I would not call it hatred however but
 dysfunctional interaction between classes.  >>
A rose is a rose is a rose.  You can call it dysfunction, which it is, but
hatred, is still the word I would use.  Perhaps you feel hatred implies a
connection or a peer relationship and that is what is inaccurate.  As if you
must be on the same level to feel hate.  Maybe it's just disregard.  I think
it's always been disregard or dismissal.  Like someone discards trash without
a thought. (For sure it's one of those disses!)  But now that one once
dismissed is in the president's chair, it might have turned to hatred.
>>As far as Aristide, I really don't think people does not approve of him
because of his look, I think it is in majority for his poor political
decisions, his hostile statements towards the bourgeoisie, which includes
hard-working, participating citizens, who felt belittled and threatened, and
the worsening conditions of the country.<<
The people don't disapprove of Aristide because of his looks.  The people
love Aristide because of his looks and because he regards them.  You are
referring to the upper classes (anyone not poor), they are the ones who
disapprove of Aristide.  They reveal themselves when they lose their
temper.....they call him names and refer to his looks as if that explains why
he isn't doing the job they expected.  Please.  You want to paint the picture
so pretty but it isn't pretty at all.  I know this is something you learn
from infancy so you don't see it the same way a person on the outside does.
But take it from me, it's ugly.  You need to change how you bring up your
children so that future generations can become "functional."

Kathy Dorce~