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15790: Brice: Re: 15782: Simidor: Re: 15780, Brice on marassa & reparation, Simidor opines (fwd)

From: Bob Brice <bobbrice@hotmail.com>

Hehehe.. It's funny that I'm being called a lavalas rat. For the record,
I've never been a "lavalas" and am not one. Just because someone seems to be
against name-calling and negative-painting of the current haitian situation
or some of the key players does not make him/her a lavalas.

My point was that it'd benefit everyone on this list to focus on topics and
ideas that have the potential to be helpful to Haiti, while staying
away/disregarding (or learning from) the negatives that we've cultivated
over 200 years of existence as a nation.

For example, why don't we identify ways to progressively HELP HAITI?  I'm
sure there is enough brainpower in here to start the initial process, select
target area(s)/sector(s), define and set action items and go about building
a basic infrastructure leading to something positive.
