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17135: Du Tuyau: re Constantin Severe (fwd)

From: ViandeMoulue@aol.com

Dear Mister Severe,

I like your name. You are indeed severely severe. And you are correctly correct on every little and big and small and in-between things that you writing for us here. The state of politik Haiti is jokingly depressing, sadly infuriating, and definitely worser than I thinking in the past it can be ever.

You know ..., I was thinking this morning while in the kitchen, that the saddest sadness of politik Haitiano is because moderation is a vile word. If you Lavalas, and you disagree with some policy gouvernement like malpwópte OP, you have bad name I no repeat here; if you are Convergence and you say you tired of revolisyon-revolution-overthrow-gouvernement, you are called a Lavalas degize-in-disguise. Haiti no understanding yet the term, healthy middle. Everybody politik in Haiti is little Ayatollah, if person want for to be with a voice. I said it then, and I say it again: this business of OP is no good. NO GOOd.

Na pale youn jou,
Du Tuyau