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17227: (Arthur) Bush Hides a Terrorist: Constant

From: Tttnhm@aol.com

Bush Hides a Terrorist

by Jack Balkwill, Liberal Slant

It is amazing that there are people who actually believe George II is waging
a war on terrorism. It’s time for a little review.

Before 9/11, Bush was about as popular as Saddam Hussein. True, both had
their supporters, but neither had actually won a fair and free election. Even
Republican strategists admitted there was no way he had a shot at two-terms.

Then came the gift of 9/11, the best thing Bush’s handlers could imagine.
Voila: a permanent war on terrorism. It can never end, because anybody with an IQ
above their shoe size can see there will always be terrorism somewhere. In
case some third world terrorist decides to build a space program in order to
deliver his crude nuclear bomb the hard way, the Star Wars Magic Shield Scam
finally has “justification,” to the delight of those who bankrolled the Bush

But, according to Bush himself and the entire corporate media, 19 hijackers
were responsible for 9/11 and they are dead. So where’s the enemy? If there are
survivors responsible, this looks like a hijacking/mass murder, not a war, a
crime that should be tried in an international court.

Only with the concerted aid of corporate media could Bush get away with the
slaughter of thousands of Afghans and Iraqis, without evidence that these
people had anything to do with 9/11.

Weapons makers made billions though, and that’s what counts in this great
distraction for the masses. We were never shown evidence that Saddam, or for that
matter, Osama, had anything to do with 9/11, in what euphemistically passes
for “democracy.” Now friends of the Bush Administration are making billions on
oil and rebuilding contracts and corporate media see no evil.

George II continued funding right wing death squads in Colombia while waging
his war on terror. No invasion there. But then, they are killing leftists, and
Bush has no qualms about that. The national security state which the Bush
family represents actually backed the right wing Saddam when he was murdering
leftists while rising to power.

Then there’s the matter of Emmanuel "Toto" Constant, head of the Front for
the Advancement and Progress of Haiti (FRAPH), that country's most infamous
right wing death-squad. Constant lives in New York City today, protected by the
Bush Administration.

The Haitian government asked the U.S. to extradite Constant, along with
FRAPH's second-in-command, Louis Jodel Chamblain. These two are accused of killing,
raping, torturing and maiming thousands of Haitians.

When he was in exile in this country after a coup, I interviewed then
President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. I asked him, "Are there any documented cases, of
which you are aware, of refugees having been murdered after being sent back to
Haiti by the U.S. government?"

He replied, "We have," and my heart beat faster. I had gone beyond the
corporate press coverage in discovering what was happening. But I couldn't ask the
question that I wanted to ask while Aristide was surrounded by Secret Service
agents, "Was the CIA involved in the coup that overthrew your government?" I
knew that Raul Cedras had been in the U.S. embassy just before leading the coup.

I had brought a friend who has a graduate degree in Romance languages, with
the hope that she could ask Aristide if we could get away for a few minutes for
questions-- perhaps to a side room. But as she began to speak with Aristide
in French, a Secret Service agent turned an ear toward them, and we realized
that it would not be possible to get to Aristide without their knowledge.

So I asked mundane questions, returning twice more to the refugees being
murdered after the U.S. government returned them to Haiti. Twice more, Aristide
assured me that some of these people were being killed by the coup government.
FRAPH and Constant would have been behind these deaths.

Despite intimidation and murders leading up to it, a presidential election
had been held in Haiti on December 16, 1990. Because of the many international
observers who monitored the election, the usual slaughter of voters who chose
the "wrong" candidate could not take place without publicity.

Therefore, the George I government's choice, Marc Bazin, who later became
coup prime minister, received only 14% of the vote. Aristide received 69% and was
inaugurated as president in February, 1991.

A military coup ousted Aristide after only seven months in office, on 30
September, 1991, shortly after he suggested an increase in Haiti’s 33 cent an hour
minimum wage. To understand why this is important, one must look to Haiti’s

American companies threaten workers that if they do not accept benefit cuts,
their jobs will go to Mexico. Mexicans are warned that if they do not accept
cuts, their jobs will go to Honduras. Hondurans are intimidated that their jobs
could go to Haiti. That is Haiti’s purpose. That is why living conditions in
Haiti are not allowed to improve. This is essential to corporate profit, in
the “free market system.”

Aristide said "We are all living under a system so corrupt that to ask for a
plate of rice and beans every day for every man, woman and child is to preach
a revolution. The crime of which I stand accused is the crime of preaching
food for all men and women."

After the coup, George I’s State Department suddenly announced, as though
supporting coup leaders, that Aristide had been committing human rights
violations. This nonsense had been echoed repeatedly in both corporate electronic and
print media. There is no evidence that Aristide supported violence. Still, the
CIA lied to Congress about this and other matters to discredit Aristide.

Constant and PRAPH terrorized the people of Haiti on behalf of the coup,
while on the payroll of the CIA. Many believe that is why the George II
Administration hides these terrorists, to keep the truth about George I’s coup from
getting out, were the government of Haiti allowed to try them in court.

Meanwhile Bush fools some with the distraction of a “War on Terrorism.” It
is apparent that he loves and protects terrorists when they serve his