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18150: Khelladi: Daffodils in Haiti? (fwd)

From: Yacine Khelladi <yacine@yacine.net>

any clue about Daffodils in Haiti?
see below

From: Deirdre Williams

Dear Yacine,
Do daffodils
(Family Amaryllidaceae Narcissus pseudonarcissus)
duckydees.50g.com/ daffodil.gif

REALLY grow in Haiti?

I have also written to the American Museum of Natural History, the
Smithsonian, Kew in London - no answers - maybe nobody knows; certainly
you are the only one who has replied. But according to the article I
read, published in Sargasso in 1999, "The daffodil figures as one of the
central symbols of Edwidge Danticat's Breath Eyes Memory. Ironically,
the yellow European flower proliferates on the Caribbean island of Haiti
