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20242: Esser: Re: 20232: Goodman: Re: 20194: Esser: Re: 20181... (fwd)

From: D. Esser torx@joimail.com

If Haiti is not important to the U.S. why sending troops there?
Please show us one instance when the U.S. sent troops, totally
without an interest in the country. And why doesn't the U.S. often
support dictators as in the case with the Duvaliers if there is no
interest in the countries involved? This is not how politics works.
It still holds true that wars, invasions and occupations the like,
are a continuation of politics by different means. And it was none
less but von Clausewitz that came to this conclusion, hardly a
radical, not even when one applies your standards. That Haiti is of
interest to the U.S. has been subject of a great many books and
articles, many scholarly and most by writers that in no sense of the
word could be described as marxist or radical.  And if that argument
that Haiti is of no importance is true, why then the "Haiti Democracy
Project" in it's current form, why IRI spending in Haiti and why the
undemocratic selection of a U.S. candidate to run the Haitian
government, a man some have described as neo-duvalierist among many
other signs that show that U.S. interest is alive and kicking? And as
an aside question: since it is common knowledge and a very well
documented fact that the U.S. supported groups such as the
F.r.a.p.h., isn't it curious as to why one would finance murderers
since this would be surely not out of altruistic motives?

And please: you do not know me, so don't call me a marxist or
communist. Having some knowledge of philosophy does not make one a
marxist or anything else for that matter, does it? Name-calling and
using words such as: dumb, stupid, and ridiculous is not a very
efficient method of bringing your point across. I think if your
points are valid you should try to let them speak for themselves...

Brian Goodman writes:

Haiti is not important to the US Agenda.  I say this in regards to
the ridiculous claims that Titid is going to try to take the US and
France to court on those dumb "kidnapping" statements.  This retoric
of some these posts is appaling.  I guess one should not be shocked
in regards to the thousands of Marxist posts on here from Titid
supporters.  Haiti has done nothing but fight amongst themselves for
200 years.  Haitians for 200 years have whine and cried about other
countries giving them aid and then when they get it..they do stupid
stuff like putting flags along the side of the road for miles and
miles ....in the middle of nowhere.   Only to be taken down by locals
and the poles used for who knows what.  Then there are some who cry
when a country helps them...and they say "why can't Haiti do it on
its own."  Beleive there are many countries that wonder the same
thing.  Be thankful that the US and France every ten years can bail
Haiti out of bloodshed for a day or two.  I can't
   wait to read some more posts about how bad "Bush and the US and
France" are.  Maybe the peace keepers should pull out and let Haiti
turn into another Somalia.  Wait a minute...I think Haiti is past
that point..  There is no need for me to state the many postive
attributes about Haiti on here because the Communists will truly find
the negativity in a positive statement.