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21674: Ives: Re: 21654: Vishnusurf: Re: 21633: This Week in Haiti 22:08 04/28/2004 (fwd)

From: K. M. Ives <kives@toast.net>

"Vishnusurf" has got to be kidding. S/he doesn't think that Bajeux's
PRO-COUP tendencies are apparent to the world? Bajeux was one of the leading
members of the "Group of 184" and a member of the Democratic Convergence's
KONAKOM, for starters. Did anyone hear Bajeux contradicting his buddy Apaid
when he was calling for Aristide's unconstitutional removal at the end of
the barrel of "rebel" and U.S. Marine guns? Let's recall Bajeux's words when
he walked arm-in-arm with MACOUTE confederates like Himmler Rébu and Hubert
Deronceray on Nov. 17, 2002. "We have to get down to business and choose new
options," he said echoing all the calls that day for the Macoutes' "zero
option." "It is time for us to rise up."

Later, as the coup approached, Bajeux, a darling of the U.S. corporate press
since 1987, was fond of saying that Aristide's was a state "power that has
fallen into delinquency," as he told the New York Times in February, and
thus worthy of removal. Here is what he said after one of the demonstrations
in January demanding that Aristide step down: "Thus, we are in complete
chaos of political authority, of government, etc. We don't have a
government, there is no legal authority, we are facing a government which
has become delinquent." Nuf said.

Bajeux was not only a spokesman for Haiti's pro-coup bourgeoisie, but also
an apologist for French colonialism. He bitterly denounced Aristide's call
for $21.7 billion in restitution from France as "impertinent" ("malvenue")
and applauded the verbal "slap" ("gifle") that France gave Aristide in

But Bajeux is also Washington's lackey as this telling quote from a Dec. 24,
2002 HPN dispatch reveals: "Our great friends to the North have asked the
population to take its destiny in hand and to clearly express what it wants.
Over these past weeks, all of Haitian society has shown and said concretely
what it wants; I believe that in the weeks to come, American diplomacy will
go in the direction of the will of the population." Yeah, right.

Finally, Bajeux called Chamblain's "surrender" "an act of wisdom." Wisdom?
Do you agree with Bajeux's formulation, "Vishnusurf," and with his above
cited declarations?

Kim Ives