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23624: (announce) Corbett: New list procedures coming....

>From Bob Corbett (corbetre@webster.edu)


(What is above the line above -- the subject line and my name/e-mail
will soon be the MANDATORY form of posts.   Please see below)



After writing to the list some weeks ago about list changes I was
contemplating, many of you wrote of your preferences and about ideas you
had.  After reading all of those I am going to try to hand in and not
change anything ESSENTIAL, still posting all that I do.

However, in order to make that easier on ME, as well as for LIST MEMBERS,
I am going to impose some much stricter rules on FORM OF POSTINGS.

I am most concerned with the subject line of the posts.  That often costs
me lots of time when people just use older subject lines or none at all.

Thus I will soon be imposing the following form for posts.  (I would urge
you to begin using this NOW, but I will still posts items in current forms
until I formally notify you of the change.)

Each subject line must being with the type of post in brackets.  The
categories I will be asking you to use are:

pub (published in book, article, newspaper, magazine, or on a web page)
        must be accompanied by author, date and source

reply (a reply to some previous post -- identification of that post
	must be given

announce (an announcement of an event or occasion)

inquiry (asking a question about Haiti to the list)

seeking (trying to make contact with someone)

discuss (submitter-written opinion piece on Haiti)

report (submitter-written report of news or experiences)


Thus the subject line will have to have

1.  (sort of post) in brackets.
2.  poster or e-mail or anonymous in reasonable situations
3.  description of post


When I once make that form mandatory -- very soon -- I will simply delete
any post that comes without that form.



the first line of the post itself MUST be the e-mail address of the poster
(or anonymous if appropriate).


With this change I think I can continue to post all the variety of posts I
currently do.

However, I am open for suggestions of the KINDS of post I have people name
in the subject line.  I don't want the list to be too long, and am worried
that there already may be too many.

Please let me know if you have an ideas about that.

I would urge you to begin using this form now, and I will make it
mandatory after trying it out a while.


Bob Corbett