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25953: Ferdinand: (reply) Re: 25935: Hyppolite Pierre (reply) Re: 25907: Simidor (comment): Reuters Revisited/ Lavalas the devil (fwd)

From: anna ferdinand <fredalokoz@verizon.net>

During  the latter years of the Lavalas regime, Guy Delva was one of
Aristide's biggest critics, defending journalists when they were persecuted
by the Cannibal army in Gonaives.   He is a professional journalist and one
of the first Haitians to write for Reuters, in years (if not ever).
Considering his previous bias in his own work against the Lavalas
government, I think he has done a damn good job not jumping onto the band
wagon to demonize completely what was a huge popular movement at one time.
With out that context, what is happening now would have no context.   It
would be a shame, for a small choice of wording, (possibly thrown in by
Reuters editors as they are wont to do).  It is easy to sit over here and
judge.  Having been a victim of the Corbett lists harangs as a Reuters
reporter myself, I would like to throw in my support behind Guy Delva.  I
have seen him work for years and know that he is a highly proffesional