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29874: Leiderman: (data) -- who pays Haiti? (fwd)

From: leiderman@mindspring.com

18 January 2007

dear Readers:

in trying to construct tables of foreign aid to Haiti from countries, international banks, NGO's, charities, etc. over the past 20 years, I just found that today, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD] countries of overseas donors released the statistical annex to its "2006 Development Co-operation Report" 18 January 2007 at:
Table 32e at http:/www.oecd.org/dataoecd/52/12/1893167.xls identifies as percentage of total OECD aid the major national donors to Haiti in during selected years, and a nice chart of "top ten" donors to Haiti in recent years at:


Stuart Leiderman