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30087: Wilcken (query) Poto Mitan (fwd)

From: Lois Wilcken <makandal@verizon.net>

I need to describe the dimensions of a standard Vodou poto mitan for
someone‹if we can speak of a ³standard.²  My sources say nothing of this,
but perhaps I¹m missing something.  So I¹d be happy with either a citation
or just a quotation of pediment height and diameter, and post diameter.

Mèsi davans.
La Troupe Makandal, Inc.
Master Drummer Frisner Augustin, Artistic Director
Lois Wilcken, Ph.D., Executive Director
621 Rutland Road 4C, Brooklyn NY 11203-1716
718-953-6638 (voice/fax)
makandal@verizon.net / www.makandal.org