Tea Novak tea_novak@yahoo.com
I would like to add just one more thing, which is of an extreme importance and that is that national state has to have clearly defined political borders, and therefore, a "definition" would state: "nation state is a state that has clearly defined political boundaries which coincide with national boundaries (or borders, meaning primarily culture). When a nation state is defined on terms of same culture, religion, language, ethnicity that can be very vague and problematic. Thus, when dealing with definition of a nation state one has to be careful, not only because definition can be extended to certain ways, as I just did, adding the political connotation but because nation state is usually perceived differently by, let's say, different people.
I don't want to get into a political speech, but would just like to say that the concept of ONE world's government would not pass. As it is stated in Larry's reply, many new nation states emerged after the Cold War period... question is Why at that time? I can give you an example of Yugoslavian breakdown but maybe I would emerge out of that as a big nationalist, therefore I would simply like to urge you to check some of these 'new nation states' history, and see why their 'new' states are more sacre to them than to any other state that has its national identity for centuries! and why that same state would never give their 'national identity' for European one or Global one...
Thank you!
Tea Novak
Bob Corbett corbetre@webster.edu