At times I have had ideas on my mind I wanted to submit to other folks and have some discussion. Finally in July 2001 I made an e-mail list of students and former students, and opened this discussion forum with a note to them about individualism. Soon I decided to select some responses and lines of argument and discussion and post them here for future development and further discussion. While this is mainly discussion items which Bob Corbett introduces, I do post items which come from others if they are spin-offs of where we've been.
I welcome any people who might wish to join our e-mail forum to do so. Just drop me a note telling me to add you to the discussion forum list. Please, be sure to tell me that you want on THAT list. I run several other lists as well and I don't want to put you on the wrong list.
To join the discussion forum e-mail list send note to:
Bob Corbett