Bibliography of Occupation Articles that Appeared in NATION Magazine
(I do have a full set of these articles in my library)
Special thanks to Pat Unger for this bibliography and for the hard work of making xerox copies of this entire set of articles for me.
- A Walsh, Frank P.
"American Imperialism" 114:115-116 Feb. 1, 1922
- B ?
"America's Ireland" 110:231-234 Feb. 21, 1920
- C Hudicourt, Pierre
"Before the Pan-American Bar" 117:54-55 July 18, 1923
- D Letters from various Secretaries, Ministers, etc.
"By Order of the American Minister" 111:308-309 Sep. 11, 1920
- regarding the refusal to pay the salaries in Haiti
- E ?
"The Charge of Gebrges Leger before the Senate Finance Committee"
134:242 March 2, 1932
- re: military pressure of the US on Haiti
- F Seligmann, Herbert
"The Conquest of Haiti" 111:35-36 July 10, 1920
- G Lewis, Sinclair
"Devil-Dog Rule" 129:751 December, 18, 1929
- H ?
"Failure in Haiti" 129:739 December 18, 1929
- Hoover admin. and marines involvement
- I Weed, Helena Hill
"Fresh Hope for Haiti" 130:342-344 March 19, 1930
- J de Bekker, L. J.
"Haiti--a Plan for Self-Government" 130:282 March 5, 1930
- K Gruening, Ernest H.
"Haiti and Santo Domingo Today--I and II" 114:147-149, 188-190 Feb.
8-15, 1922
- L Thoby, P.
"Haiti Misruled" 122:376-380 April 7, 1926
- M ?
"Haiti Speaks" 112:708 May 18, 1921
- N ?
"Haiti Still a Problem" 133:55-56 July 15, 1931
- discussion of withdrawal of US forces from Haiti
- O Winsor, Mary
"Haiti Today" 118:584-585 May 21, 1924
- P ?
"The Haitian President to The Nation" 113:740-741 Dec. 21, 1921
- President M. Sudre Dartiguenave's reply to NATION article of Nov. 9, 1921
- Q R. L. B. Dartiguenave
"The Haitian Situation" 126:597-598 December 21, 1921
- R ?
"The Haitian-United States Convention" 111:254-255 August 28, 1920
- conclusion to this convention of Sept. 16, 1915
- S ?
"The Haiti-United States Treaty" 113:552-555 November 9, 1921
- part of a radiogram from Washington recvd by Admiral Caperton Aug. 14, 1915
- T Logan, Rayford W.
"The Haze in Haiti" 124:281-283 March 16, 1927
- U Weed, Helena Hill
"Hearing the Truth About Haiti" 113:533-535 November 9, 1921
- V ?
"Hope for Haiti" 130:413 April 9, 1930
- W McCormick, Medill
"Imperial America in Haiti" 117:749-750 December 26, 1933
- X ?
"A Latin-American Boycott" 114:108 January 25, 1922
- letter to the people of Haiti re: editorial in Le Nouvelliste Dec. 31
- Y ?
"Marines and Missionaries--A Lenten Meditation" 116:259-260 March 7,
- reprint of part of a sermon by Right Reverend Charles Blayney Colmare
- Z delegate to the United States of the Union Partriotique de'Haiti
"Memoir" 112:751-775 May 25, 1921
AA ?
"Navy Department Admits" 113:255 September 7, 1921
BB ?
"More Dispatches on Haiti" 113:737-739 December 21, 1921
CC ?
"On Watch in Haiti" 129:573-574 November 20, 1929
DD McCormick, Medill
"Our Failure in Haiti" 111:615-616 December 1, 1920
EE ?
"Pitiless Publicity for Haiti" 111:366-367 October 6, 1921
FF ?
"Poor Haiti!" 125:51 July 20, 1927
GG Stenio, Vincent
"President-Elect of Haiti" 131:597 December 3, 1930
HH Martins, C.
"The Press in Haiti" 125:166-168 August 17, 1927
II ?
"The Rape of Haiti" 113:346-352 November 9, 1921
JJ ?
"Senator McCormick Sees it Through" 115:32-33 July 12, 1922
KK Gruening, Ernest H.
"The Senators Visit Haiti and Santo Domingo" 114:7-10 Jan. 4, 1922
LL ?
"Stepping on Haiti" 119:177 August 20, 1924
MM ?
"What to do in Haiti" 111:493-494 November 3, 1920
"Why Haiti has no budget"
Weed, H. H.
"Victory in Haiti" 130:378-380 March 26, 1930
Dole, C. F.
"Haiti Protectorate" 101:462-463 October 14, 1915
Bob Corbett